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No one likes being last......

All was black for me as I traveled through the unknown. I couldn't think, yet I knew I was traveling. Suddenly though my thoughts came alive as I had the sudden urge to breathe as I found myself underwater. Rays of sunlight were shining from up above at the surface. My arms started to move as I made my way up as I started to grow delirious from lack of oxygen.

When my head reached the top of the surface I took a chug of the cold air which shocked me cold and made a few coughs erupt from my lungs. I started to get my bearings and saw that I was in the middle of a medium sized lake with oak trees surrounding it like walls. I idled for awhile untill I heard a sharp shout from behind me .

"Look, he spawned over there!"

I quickly turned around to see a group of a few people at the shore of the lake with some pointing fingers at me. I was relived at first thought as I began to think they were there to help. I quickly changed mind sets however as I saw one of the them start to raise something toward me. I tried focusing on the object when my eyes widened and I realized that the person was aiming a bow towards me. I froze as I heard a sharp wiz and saw a speeding arrow go right past my shoulder and into the water.

I dove underwater and instinctively started to go the opposite direction of my attackers. As I swam I could see arrows rain down from above and narrowly miss me, harmlessly sinking to the bottom of the water. I started to panic and increased my speed along with holding my breath for as long as my lungs allowed.

As the water got shallower I used my legs and arms to crawl up the steeping earth while also keeping my head down. As my upper body became unsubmerged from the water I started to jog out of the lake and into the cover of the treeline.

My attackers would have to go around the lake or swim as I did. But there accuracy allowed them to continue there barrage of arrows as I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I toppled to ground and looked at my back side to see a arrow dug into my flesh. It was only partily in which made it seem easy to pull out, but I would have to do that later. I got back up onto my feet and started to hobble as fast as I could into what seemed to become a forest with the trees becoming denser.

The shouts grew distant as I started to believe that they wouldn't give chase to me, but I kept on moving not wanting to take any chances after my injury. I didn't know how long I traveled through the forest as my mind was racing with thoughts, but I soon began to see the outskirts of forest leading to a hilly plain area. I stopped at one of the outer trees and began to try to sit down. I took a look at my wound and started to put both hands on the shaft of the arrow. Now that my attention was focused on it, the pain started to intestify as I got ready to pull it out.

I started slowly pulling it up, feeling the arrowhead cut my flesh with the slightest move I made. Tears welled in my eyes as I continued to pull while biting down on my shirt. Before I knew it though the arrow was out with the arrow head still connected. I threw it aside and laid on the floor taking deep breathes from my amateur surgery session. I slowly got to my feet and took off my shirt, tying it around my open wound. There was still the chance of infection and I had to find a way to clean the open cut. 

I started to walk toward the hilly area in front of me with my right legging limping along. But it soon accured to me that I didn't know where I was. I took a second look at the forest behind me and at the hills ahead. The trees themselves looked normal but the hills looked somewhat blocky. It took a few minutes for the realization to hit me like a speeding train. My wish had come true.

I was in Minecraft.

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