Shock and Awe

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Kate had marked a village a good distance north from me with a sword and shield drawn next to it. I was confused at first but decided the best thing to do would be to head there and check it out. The emptiness of this world showed as there was nothing out in the plains other than a few roaming animals. As I traveled North I noticed smoke in the distance.

"Not again." I sighed. After was just happened, smoke seemed to lead to trouble. As the smoke was coming from farther into the plains, I could easily notice a few specks in the distance where it was coming from, though this time instead of a fire pit, it was buildings.

I started to quicken my pace as this was a more serious matter, I tried to spot anything moving as I got closer but to no avail. I know could see that it was a village that was smoldering. I grimaced knowing what most likely I would find.

Bodies. Bodies littered the floor, and like everywhere else, they were women. I slowly walked down the main path, seeing doors busted down, dried blood splattered almost everywhere, and the thick smell of burning wood. I was glad now that I had my bandana on me, I used it as a filter from the disgusting smell of rotting flesh.

I went over to one girl, her body was on top of stairs leading up to what seemed to be the library, her body was facing the opposite direction of me when her arms spread far apart. I slowly turned her body over with my foot, The amount of damage on her body made me want to gag.

There was a good chunk of her neck missing where mass amounts of blood seemed to come out of as there was blood all over her face and upper body, she was missing a eye, the flesh string that attached it to her skull was hanging out on her cheek. pieces of her hair looked to be torn off as there were bold spots in a few places. A part of her abdomen was burned to a crisp and still had a few embers sizzling inside the wound. I stepped over her body and entered the overturned library. The enormous amounts of books and book shelf's astonished me, this must have been the biggest library in all the surrounding region. This village must had been made up of scholars, with the silken robes that the deceased were wearing.

As I stepped over bookshelves and tables, I noticed a bookshelf in the back corner of the room, this one wasn't overturned like the rest, but I could tell that this one was searched the most with all the books on the ground with their pages open. It was then that I noticed a body, huddled in the corner of a desk, her hands huddled against her chest with a piece of paper in her grasp. I walker over to her motionless body and grabbed the paper, as it left her chest, blood smeared on the backside with her open chest wound now exposed. A Ink Pen fell beside her without the support of her hands.

I began to read.

The men that had mysteriously showed up here so many years ago had laid waste to our village, They were armed and we were not, we merely held knowledge for the villages around us, they came for that knowledge, and when we declined respectfully they slaughtered us all without hesitation.

We knew what they wanted, the locations, names, powers, and weakness's of the Noble bloods of the other races.  When they found what they had came for, they spared some villagers and led them away in shackles, I managed to escape into my library with only a minor cut.  I'm strong enough to hold out I'm sure of it. But if I don't recover, I need  the person, who finds my letter, to hunt down those responsible for our villages destruction. These men deserved to be killed, if they manage to get a hold of the noble bloods then they'll be unstoppable.

I heard them say they were heading South, that may be where they'll be settled at. I hope to be able to tell you this in person, but I am one to take the extra step ahead. I hope to throw this letter away with my savior's arrival.

Blood coated fingerprints stamped the end of the letter. I looked back up at the girl and checked her pulse in desperation. Unsurprisingly I found none. I got back up to my feet and left the building in a hurry followed by the village. This was enough death for one day, I had the answers I needed and now it would be time to head back.

Hopefully nothing to eventful happened back at home.

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