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You can't win all your battles.....

I was tired, confused, and scared. these things were common for me now in this world, but now I didn't see a way out. I somewhat relied on Rick to come up with something, but his face showed confusion as well. But we kept on towards the large gaping hole in the wall, the hole where monsters were swarming in and where the other villagers were running to as well to see if they could push through.

At first it seemed like a huge moss pit as there was pushing everywhere and I couldn't see as dozens of heads blocked my view. Then the girls up front starting cutting down the monsters as if driving a path into the swarm. But soon monsters came from behind us, and then to our sides until we were on huge human convoy trying to get through a gap as attackers charged from all directions. It was a nightmare, death was all around me as my clothes started to get splattered with blood from people dying mere feet from where I was.

We were almost to the gap when it happened. A zombie, hidden behind a person behind us bit the girl's neck and took her down to the floor. Two more zombies seeing us as the next in line for their meal started to get a grasp on me and Rick. Rick with the sword in his free hand swung directly down on one of the zombie's head causing a gooey sound.

As Rick tried to pull the entrenched sword out, however it seemed to be stuck in its brain. The other zombie took advantage of this and bit Rick on his outstretched forearm. Rick let out a scream of pain as I instantly punched the zombie in the eye, causing it to jerk back for a second letting go of Rick and toppled to the floor. I then proceeded to do a stomp on its head until its head cracked open like a watermelon.

There was still the last zombie that had taken down the girl and he didn't take anytime to make a lunge for Rick taking a large bite into his shoulder while tackling him to the floor. Rick a mere inches from me was being eaten alive, the only friend I had made in this world, was dying in the most painful way possible. Before I could try to help him more villagers came from behind and started to push me forward with no chance of me breaking through. I started to yell, as that was the only thing I could do.

With everyone pushing forward from behind me it didn't take long to get through the gap, but as the villagers sprinted in different directions, I just stood there motionless. My mind swayed in blankness. But in an instant everything came back to me and I started to run towards the hills. I heard footsteps behind me and look to see some villagers seeming to follow me. But I didn't care as I just raised my speed.

Getting to the hills seemed fairly fast as I was looking down most of the way not knowing paying attention to the distance. But fatigue hits me as I dropped to my knees and fell to my side. But I wasn't alone as I could hear more breathing around me. I looked to my side to see around six villagers all sitting down with their faces covered in sweat and mixed emotions across their faces. But something seemed off.

They were all girls.

I took a second to recall the events in the town and came to the realization that there were no actual men in the village. "No fucking way, there had to be at least one." I muttered to myself as I dug deeper into my mind but to no avail. Putting that as a thing to look into later I got to my feet and knew I had to get back into Rick's home, it was still night and I didn't know if more monsters would spawn in. After some observation I saw that I wasn't too far away and started to move.

But after some walking I heard walking behind me. I looked around again to see the six villagers all following me.

"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed, wanting this day to end.

"Where are you going?" One of the girls asked.

I kept silent for a moment thinking on my answer.

"To bed." I responded.

"You happen to have more than one." One asked almost sarcastically making even more annoyed and giving me the temptation to just make one final sprint and try to lose these squatters.

What made me distrust these villagers was that they were probably acquaintances with the other humans that Rick had warned me about.

" I'm sure the others will gladly take you in." I sneered.

that quieted them as they seemed to get the hint.

I started walking again without the sound of their footsteps behind me.

"If you let us stay for a night we'll gladly answer any concerns or questions you have." One called out.

I stopped again, but didn't turn around. Was this the best choice of action. My new goal would be to hunt down these so called seekers for what happened to Rick but these girls could also give away the location of Rick's home and come hunt me down.

Mistakes seemed to happen a lot due to my decisions and this could be my biggest one.


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