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Ignorance is bliss....

Ramirez POV

My vision was black, this wasn't like the rest of my encounters with other people, I felt my self being dragged. It reminded me of my first day here, mainly because I felt a sharp pain in my lower body and knew I was seriously injured, but I don't think the people that took me cared. I was grabbed by each arm and felt my legs drag across the dirt. My head was dazed and I just looked down with what I guessed was probably my bandana they had used to blur my vision.

"He's heavy Sabrina, why don't we just end it already and ditch this corpse."

"You know why."

There was only silence after that. That's when I didn't start to feel dirt anymore, the sun hitting my blindfold was gone to. Now it was complete darkness and sharp rocks replaced the dirt. It felt damp around my body and I knew I wasn't outside anymore. It was a cave, they were dragging me away from civilization.

Few Hours later

I don't know when but I passed out along the journey, now I was sitting down with the blindfold still around my eyes. I felt sharp string tied around my hands against something that cut into my wrists if I tried to make movement. I just steadied my breathing and tried to think of a way out of this mess. I moved my eyebrows up and down as fast as I could letting the blindfold drop down only a smidge. I could barely make out bars in front of me. I couldn't hear anything in particular either. All I could do was wait, I didn't want to risk having my hands sliced off.

Few Hours Later

The bindings around me didn't allow me to sleep as I feared I would damage my hands when I drifted off. This was torment, no body came to me in the cell, I was alone with only the sound of my breathing. I had managed to unloosen the blindfold more as I rubbed the back of my head against the wall and did more eyebrow shaking. I was in a confined cell with a bucket of water and plate of food nearby that I couldn't reach.


I really needed to pee to and I didn't want to soil myself if I had to wait here for more hours. I just kept my head down in defeat. I was going to get out of hear no doubt, These binds were the only thing stopping me from trying, I just had to think of a way to escape when they di-.

"How the hell did you take off your binds."

I looked up started to see Sabrina, the most evil look in her eye as if she was planning on doing something horrendous. But I kept a straight face and just looked at her straight on without a word. She continued to stare and slowly started to walk over to my cell and opened it with a key she got out of her pocket.

I would have probably been more scared, but her revealing outfit made me want to snicker more than anything which helped forget about the pain even if it was only for a moment. I didn't break eye contact as she squatted and looked straight into my face. Her eyes looked empty as if she didn't have any empathy to what would happen to me, that was really terrifying, it was like looking into the eyes of a serial killer who knew he was going to get you no matter what.

"How did you get out of your binds." She asked again in a empty voice.

"You can guess, not that hard to come up with the answer."

That's when she grabbed me by the shirt and yanked me forward causing the string to dig into my wrists even more. I yelled in pain as gave me a uppercut to the chin and pushed me back into the post.

"Don't think you have any power in this situation, I would have mutilated your body and left you for the wolves."

"I actually met the wolves a few days ago, I'm sure they would take me in again." I joked once again to try to get my mind away from the fact that I was probably bleeding to death at the moment from my sliced wrists.

This time she didn't grab me, she just let me sit there and showed the same smile she had before when I was attacked.

"It's not like you don't deserve this you know, Its not like we haven't seen what your kind has done, you deserve all this, every ounce of pain and suffering you pathetic pig."

"You think your so smart don't you." I smile at her.

She just stays silent and just shakes her head.

"So are you going to let me take a piss or what?" I ask and lean my head back.

"Shit all over yourself for all I care, you should probably get used to it." She said in a mocking tone before leaving the room and locking the door. Without another word she just walks off.

Sabrina's POV

"Don't forget to go to the nether and get some supplies for the potions and poisons we need, were going to have as much fun as we can." I say giving a evil smirk. Cupa salutes me with a mischievous grin and goes for the exit of the cave. "Nice binds silk, they worked like a charm." I say.

Silk doesn't say anything and just walks off after Cupa. I just shake my head and go sit at the indoor lake of the cave, maybe the other mobs would like to have their fun with him to. They were all pissed at the humans for what they had done to the other mods, a piece of revenge wouldn't be to bad. After all it was only one human.

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