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There will always be a different mindset....

I ended up falling asleep in the shallow pit the surrounding two hills around me made with the idea of traveling seeming unrealistic.

I had no dreams, it was just darkness similar to the void I had traveled through to get here. A pitch black vortex taking me further and further to my destination. But in my dream my travel had a soft hum.

My eyes opened to locate the calming noise and saw a face above me shrouded by a black checkered bandana and thick green goggles that looked to be for snorkeling.

It was carrying me by my arms and legs and seemed to be going deeper into the hilly terrain. "W-Who are you?" I asked slowly regaining all my senses.
The stranger stopped its humming for a moment and tilted its head at me before continuing it's tune.
The smartest thing to do in this situation would have been to make a break for it but with my worsening leg my options were severely limited.

As the mysterious person walked in yet another valley tucked away in the hills, The stranger stopped at the side of a hill and set me down before the figure put both its hands on a patch of the hill's grass and jerked it off revealing a wooden door.

The stranger picked me up once again and carried me into its home. Once I caught a glimpse of the inside I was surprised to see how old styled it looked as if he copied the interior as a log cabin. There were dark wooden planks covering the floor with light colored wooden chairs and tables all planted along the room.

Heads of minecraft monsters such as creepers and ender men hung on the walls as trophies as you would normally see deer. a great stone fireplace was also in the center of the room although smothered out, there were stairs to side of the room going up and down which made me curious how stretched out this home was.

The stranger continued on to the stairway and descended down to the lower depths of the hill until we finally reached a blank white room with chests lined up against the walls and a black table in the middle.

I started to panic as I didn't even know what the stranger wanted to do with me. The stranger put my body on the ice cold table and started to dig in one of the chests in the room. I was having thoughts of trying to take the stranger on while I had the element of surprise but I just let out a sigh and decided whatever happens, happens.

The stranger brought back over a glass bottle of red liquid and a few cotton swabs. "You're lucky healing potions close wounds." The stranger finally spoke with a tone of masculinity.

I had so many questions to ask and I was flustered as soon as the man spoke so all that came out was "Who are you and who attacked me?"

"Wow, you actually managed to get the arrowhead out, I probably would have had to chop your leg off otherwise, these potions aren't the strongest." The man chucked ignoring my question.

"Who was the person who put that arrowhead in there." Before the man spoke I let out a scream as he poured a good amount of the liquid all around my leg in the most sloppy way imaginable.

My fingers dug into the oak table as my wound started to sizzle in a disgusting manner, I could feel my flesh start to shift around with each movement sending shock waves of pain making tears start to form at the edge of my eyes. But that was nothing compared to what happen next.

My skin started to close over the wound and stick together as if the arrow had never penetrated it. But I wish it stayed the way it was as it felt like someone grabbed my skin and pulled it as far as they could and stapled it together.

I let out cries of pain as the man just looked over me closing the bottle back up and setting it down. "Try not to get hit and this will never happen again."
"Fuck you." I croaked as I fell of the table.
After my pain had passed the man helped me to my feet as I sat back down on the table and he brought up a chair. "The men who put that arrow in you." He started clearing his throat.

"We'll they've been around here longer than you and I." The man was trying to find words to explain the situation until he finally got up.

"What I know so far from my year here are that for 8 consecutive days every year, one man each day emerges from that lake you had come from."
"The men that were there I can guess were the first ones to emerge from the waters and have kept watch every year a new batch of people show up."
The man stopped talking for a moment and twirled his fingers violently.
"I'v-I've seen them dump all those bodies back into the lake as if they were animal carcasses, as if their lives didn't matter, who knows how many bodies are in that mass grave."

He started to pace around the room which made me a little uneasy. "I don't know maybe they do it for crowd control, but my guess is that their protecting something they don't want anyone else to have." He stopped talking for a moment before grabbing my shoulder.
"Me and you both know we wished to be here, each one of us having our own dreams, desires, lusts to much of that can drive a man insane." The man carefully chose his words as I tried to understand his explanation
"Say you didn't have Mob talker installed when you made your wish did you?"  finally asked

The man nodded looking puzzled before getting the realization at the same time as I.
Those pricks.

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