One step closer

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Turns out cows have a really good sense of smell. Which I'm going to use with Claire.
Don't look to close.......

Claire's POV

I ran and I ran, as the smell of the spiders subsided from my nose and I was once again alone with nature. Not until the new smell of villagers came to me, I knew that I was close. Their sentries on the village walls had spotted me a good distance away and were preparing for my arrival.

"Halt! Who goes there?" One of them shouted at me.

"I'm from Hermark! The seekers have attacked us! I'm one of few surviors. I seek sanctuary." I pleaded.

It wasn't untill I was actually there to remember the stories about this village. Even though they were our closest neighbors at the time they were also the most distant in terms of communication.

Orvale rarely traded unless it was of something of extreme importance to them, they favoured isolation more than anything else.

The sentries looked at one another in guidance on how to handle the situation. After a few minutes one finally spoke up.

"We'll get our leader, wait there."

Doing as she said I waited once again as the remaining sentries kept their eyes on me with bows loosely held towards me.

What felt like a hour was only a few moments when the leader of the town came into sight next to the guards.

"You're from Hermark?" The lady blunty asked.

"Yes, the seekers destroyed my town and I don't know if there's anyone else alive, they were swarming the town from every side."

The leader looks at you in silence for a few moments before giving you a sigh.

"Very well, under these circu-"

It was then that a cloaked figure came directly to her side and whispered something into her ear, of which gave the leader a wide-eyed face.

"Who are you?" She asked, this time in a sharper and much louder tone of which caught me off guard.

"I-I'm Claire." I stammered.

"Your not a villager?"

"No, I'm a noble blood." I didn't want to say this outright but it seemed as if I was found out.


"What." I whimpered with worried eyes.

Your kind is brining destruction wherever you go, if you stay here the seekers will attack us next. Leave now."

I shook my head in despair while the sentries took on more serious positions with their bows.

I weakly stepped back and turned around only to stop in motion.

Where was I to go now?

Unkown POV

Hermark was destroyed, when we found out the noble blood had taken off we spared none of the villagers. They fought to the last body until the final head was decapitated.

It's a good thing the cow noble blood wasn't vital to our campaign otherwise he would have killed us when we returned to base. Well find her though, there's only one village where she could have gone in a short notice. Although this time we aren't going to ask nicely.

------ POV

I'm getting out.

I'm getting out.

Blood will spill.


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