The hunt for Ramirez Pt.2

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Alone with a love...

Diana was able to deliver the ingredients to the alchemist and fly back to CJ as they just reached the first trees covered in snow.

"Thanks." Said CJ as Diana handed him his payment.

Looking around their surroundings CJ started to get his bearings.

"This forest isn't to big, if we keep going straight we should get to Jake's cabin. Snowmen will be a hint on us getting close." With that said the trio headed deeper into the forest.

"How is your friend going to be able to help us?" Diana asked.

"He's really good with a staff, even with his condition." CJ replies while stepping over a fallen branch.


"He's blind."


"Trust me that doesn't stop him from kicking ass." CJ says confidently.

This forest seemed oddly familiar to Cupa, but may have been a coincidence.

"Been awhile since I've seen snow." Diana says to herself.

"Look a snowman!" Cupa points up ahead.

Seeing it CJ nods.

"We're getting close, as long as we follow them we should find his house."

One after another more snowmen continued to appear around the forest. Following them led to more untill smoke could be seen beyond a near treeline.


In seconds of this unkown person shouting this, the eyes of the nearby snowmen started to glow with a hint of orange.

"Nicole it's me." CJ says as he walks up ahead of his group.

"CJ?" The voice says in a calmer tone.

The eyes of the snowmen return to pitch black before they have the chance to come alive.

"Where's Jake?"

Silence is followed after CJ's question as a figure appeares in the treeline, walking towards him.

Cupa looks on to see a familiar face, with the same pumpkin on her head that matched her hair. This time however wearing a long white coat with brown sleeves.

"Snowy!" Cupa sprints toward her with amazing speed as she jumps onto Nicole and wraps her legs around her pelvis and her arms around her neck.

"Cupa you're heavy." She mumbles as Cupas hoodie smothers her face.

"You know her?" CJ asks.

"Yeah, before I met up with Skelly I lived with Snowy. But I couldn't handle the cold compared to the desert so I left." Cupa explains while letting go of Nicole.

"I didn't want to leave so we said our goodbyes, though someone never came to visit." Nicole says annoyed.

"Yeah sorry about that." Cupa sheepishly apologizes, rubbing her head.

"Follow me, I'll take you all to our cabin." Nicole motions with her hand.

The trio follow Nicole as she leads them towards the smoke that CJ had spotted earlier.

They enter a clearing encircled by towering trees where a two story wooden house stands.

"Looks homey." Diana compliments.

"We try." Nicole replies.

"Better than the shack we lived in." Cupa says with a hint of jealously.

"Jake I'm back!" Nicole shouts as she enters the home with her voice echoing.

"In the kitchen." A voice replies.

The group follow Nicole into the kitchen where they can see Jake cutting carrots hastily.

"Hey isn't that dangerous for him." Diana says aloud with Jake stopping mid cut.

"You didn't tell them that I can echo-locate did you CJ."

"Thought it would be cooler if they saw it in action." CJ smirks.

Cupa and Diana see now that Jakes mouth continuously makes clicks every now amd then as he moves around the kitchen putting away items.

"What's the occasion for you coming to visit us with your guests?" Jake asks.

"We need your help in rescuing someone."

"How many people are we facing?" Nicole questions.

"You're going to come to?" CJ aks.

"Of course, I'm sworn to protect-."

I told you to stop saying that." Jake sighs.

Getting back on topic Cupa answers "Depending if Silk doesn't fight with Skelly, I'd say just her."

Nicole raises a eyebrow"You need this many people to fight one person."

"Well from the words of Cupa we're going to need all the help I can get." CJ admits.

"Then let us be off." Jake says eating a carrot.

"Let me pack some food though, how long is the trip going to take?" Nicole asks.

"Finding Mundee shouldn't take more than three hours to his village."

"Going to the cave would take the same amount of time." Cupa adds.

"Then I'll pack for a day and we'll be ready."

"Let me get a few items from the armory before we move out." says Jake.

Jake the OC of Bravewarrior63, hope I put him in well.

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