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Everyone wants to escape once in a while.....

5 days earlier.

"Your failing Ramirez."

Those three simples words were expected but still had impact. "I don't know what to tell you Ramirez." My school counsellor sighed as she was going through paper after paper of failed assesments along with a few printed reports of my missing assignments.

"I've given you warning after warning and signed you up for after school tutoring but all that seemed to make no effect on your grades whatsoever." My counsellor stopped for a second and started to rub her forehead as this was one of the many times my parents had scheduled a appointment with her.

I said nothing and continued to look down. I couldn't argue with her and I knew she was right. "Your lucky it's only one class so far and your teacher is leinant on your grades to a extent, but your Science and English are going down to and if it keeps up you'll have no other option but to retake Sophomore year." She explained as she glanced back at her computer brining up my reports.

"I won't let them Mrs.Ann, I just can't say the same about Math." I promised.

My counsellor examined my determined face for a second and smirked. "You know how many promises I get from you." Her remark made me smile as I looked down again. "You'r a bright kid Ramirez, I've seen the things you do, don't lose your future over some Algebra class."

I knew I had to change, I was getting my parents to their wits end with my laziness and my teachers were starting to get enough of me and all my excuses. But I knew there was a pretty high possibility that I would continue to fall behind and I felt that it was out my control even though many people thought the opposite.

I walked out of my counsellors office and looked at my watch to see that I still had a few good minutes of lunch left before my next class would start. I went over to the libary deciding that I would spend the last of my limited time browsing the Web and kill the remainder of lunch.

As I entered I could see that all the computers were filled mostly by upperclassmen who looked stressed as can be with notebooks and textbooks stretched along the limited space they had. However I spotted a empty seat in the far corner of the libary away from the wandering gaze of the librarians. As I made my way toward the area I spotted what seemed to be a freshman sitting beside the vacant spot with a big grin spread across his face as he looked around now and then for the librarians.

As I drew closer he averted his gaze to me while I made my way over and took a seat. I let out a sigh and started to open the Internet browser.

It took me a few minutes to notice that the freshman was still staring me in a curious and cautious way as I could see that his computer was at the desktop as if he exited out of whatever he was on.

I returned his gaze to see a Caucasian male with acne spread across his face, his dirty brown hair made curls and tangles all around as if he had never combed or even touched it in his life.

"You planning on staying long." The freshman finally said in a snide tone.

"Excuse me?" I said raising a eyebrow.

The freshman said nothing for a moment before blurting out "Fuck it." and brought up a page he minimized that showed to be a game of some sort.

I finally noticed a USB drive sticking out from his computer. It didn't take long for me to realize what he was doing which ended up bringing out a unexpected laugh from me.

The freshman paid no attention to my reaction however as his full attention was averted to his game. I wanted to mind my own business as my browser opened but his game seemed uniquely interesting as I couldn't avert my gaze ethier.

"Say um, what game are you playing." My words broke the freshman trance as he took another look at me. This one wasn't of annoyance however but one of curiosity . He was about to say something before the warning bell rung for us to get ready to head to class.

The freshman studied me again for a second before finally saying, if you're  really interested come back here tomorrow." He unplugged his USB and shut off his computer before grabbing his bag and walking out of the libary.

1 day later

"Minecraft you say?" I asked as me and my new acquaintance who I found out was named Ben sat back down in our secluded area of the libary.

"Yeah, you basically build things in a huge world whether it be a simple shelter or something amazing and try to survive from monsters and hunger along the way." Ben explained as he started fumbling around in his pocket before pulling out two USB's. "My brother works for the company that makes the game so I got you a copy of the game on here, just give me your email to send you the password so you can change it to whatever you want."

I was shocked at the kindness of the stranger as he plugged in the USB into my computer. "Here, I'll teach you the ropes of the game and you can go on from there, also here's a list of mods you might want to install and instructions on how to install them." He said as he took out a slip of paper from his pocket and started writing down the "mods".

"Thanks for all this man." I uttered, still shocked with all the help Ben was giving me. He stopped writing for a moment and looked up in his usual examination face before growing a wide smile. "Trust me your going to have a blast"..........


I huddled myself in the valley of a hill as the pain in my leg continued to increase untill I literally had to stop and drop to the floor as I gritted my teeth with the dream of amputating my most likely infected wound. "I'm going to die here." I cried as tears fell from my eyes with the realization of everything running through head.

"I'm going to die."

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