Chapter 10 - Caught on a Feeling

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I woke up from my nap to the sound of someone talking and laughing really loud. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. For a second I forgot where I was. Then I remembered I was in Cali, in a hotel with Sam and Colby. I smiled as I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

I glanced over at Megan who was out cold. She definitely needed that nap. On my way to the bathroom, I heard laughing again coming from Sam and Colby's room. "What the hell brotherrrr," I heard now. It sounded like Sam. I chuckled. One thing I loved about them was their friendship, they were always laughing and joking with eachother.

After using the bathroom, I glanced at myself in the mirror. Ew. I looked like I had been ran over by a car. My hair was a mess and I honestly looked so tired. Plane rides always drained me. I wasn't gonna let it ruin the rest of the night though.

We were going to the Queen Mary tonight and I was soooo ready. I fixed my hair now and made my way back out to our room. I looked around the room again noticing we didn't have a fridge or anything in our room. Lameee.

I made my way to the door that connected mine and Megan's room to Sam and Colby's. I paused before opening the door. Colby said to not be a stranger but I didn't want to just walk in if one of them was changing or something.

Oh well, I thought as I opened the door. I peeked my head out and saw Sam on his bed with his laptop. He looked up at me and smiled, "Hey Anna, good morning," He said in a cheery voice. I smiled and made my way into the room.

I saw Colby then on his bed, he was laying on his back with his head hanging off the end of the bed looking at his phone. His eyes caught mine and he sat up facing the right away. "Hey, how was your nap?" He asked as he tucked his phone away.

I yawned as I made my way over to the mini fridge, "It was much needed but I think I might have slept too long." Colby winced, "that's the worst, when that happens to me I always feel groggy the rest of the night."

I reached for a bottle of water in the fridge then made my way over to the boys. I nodded at Colby comment, "Same, I'm not gonna let it ruin my night though," I said as I untwisted the cap of my water and took a long drink.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Colby watching me. His eyes were soft and so was his smile. I smiled back at him, and without thinking I made my way over to his bed and sat down on the end.

I glanced at Colby, he shifted a bit. He was sitting in the middle of his bed cross-legged with his arms holding him up behind him. I couldn't help but admire him, the way his hair sat messily on his head but laid flat on one side. His shirt hugged him perfectly and so did his pants.

I caught his eyes, his smile was so contagious. I smiled back.

Jesus Anna stop it. I knew these boys were attractive but seeing them in person, especially Colby, made these thoughts pop into my head that shouldn't be there.

I looked away from him and at Sam who was smiling at me lightly. He closed his laptop and set it aside then sprawled himself out on his bed. "So you ready to go to the Queen Mary tonight?" He asked me.

I nodded, "Hell yes, I just wish I knew what we were doing," I said as I glanced back at Colby. He smiled again, "it's a surprise." His voice was deep, and so mysterious.

"Fine." I said back with a playful laugh. Sam got up now and made his way to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle for himself. "Is Megan sleeping? I think as soon as you guys are ready we can probably go. It'll start getting dark soon."

I nodded, "Yeah she's out. But I can wake her up, I'm getting kinda antsy waiting to go." Sam smiled, "Okay, yeah if you want to. We'll get ready to go too." I nodded and got up off of Colby's bed and made my way back to our room, "We'll try to be ready soon," I said.

Colby stood up now, "No rush, take your time." He said as he threw his hands into his front. pockets. I smiled at him before closing the door between us. I rested my head against the back of the door and sighed deeply.

I tried to think about Brian, I needed to get the thoughts I was thinking about Colby out of my mind. There was something about him, this was going to be a long 5 days.

I got Megan up eventually after shaking her for a while. He was pretty cranky after waking up from a nap but her mood changed once she realized where we were. Yes weird how naps make you forget.

We got ready pretty quickly as we were both really excited to get to the Queen Mary for Colby's video. The boys were ready and waiting for us on the couch when we came out of our room.

Colby had his camera in his hand, he smiled. "Everyone ready?" He asked as he stood up and switched his camera between his hands. I nodded, "I think so."

He smiled, "Cool. I think I wanna film the intro there outside of the ship so we should probably get going before it gets too dark."

Megan and I followed Sam and Colby out the door and downstairs where we had an Uber waiting for us. 

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