Chapter 1 - The Winner

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"You know you're not gonna win right?" I said to Megan as she grabbed her laptop. She shot me the evil eye. "Well if you say that I won't!" I sighed and sat next to her at the kitchen table. I watched as she quickly searched for Sam and Colby's Youtube channel. 

I looked at my watch on my wrist, "They aren't uploading for another 5 minutes, Megan." Megan kept her eyes plastered to the screen as she refreshed their page over and over again. "So." she said back. I rolled my eyes. She's obsessed. 

A little back story; Megan and I are sisters. Well, stepsisters. my dad married her mom 7 years ago and we've been best friends ever since. We're both 22, only 7 days apart which is still crazy to me. She's older though so she always thinks she's in charge of our dinner plans and nights out. I don't mind though. We both moved out of our parents' house when we were 18 and got an apartment together. My boyfriend Brian, of 5 years moved in with us about 6 months after. 

Anyways, about a year ago Megan introduced me to Sam and Colby. She's obsessed with them. She makes sure she's one of the first to watch their videos and the first to like and retweet their tweets on her fan account she has for them. She is mostly in love with Colby though. She says if she ever meets him one day, she knows he will fall in love with her. A girl can dream I guess. 

I'm not really someone who watches random people on youtube but I don't mind these guys. I've always been into the paranormal stuff myself self so it is very interesting seeing these guys explore and summon demons; something I wish I could do someday. 

So the reason Megan keeps refreshing their page so vigorously is because they are about to announce the fan who won the trip out to Cali with a friend to explore the Queen Mary with them for 5 days. To enter, you had to purchase merch and every $10 spent got you 1 entry. I'm pretty sure Megan spent around $200 to increase her chances. 

She begged me to buy something too, I didn't want to because obviously, we weren't going to win but I did anyway, for her. I ended up just buying a $12 XPLR beanie. 

I watched Megan as she kept refreshing mumbling "c'mon c'mon c'mon" to herself. I wish she wasn't so excited because she was just going to be let down. Just then my phone buzzed. It was my boyfriend. I smiled and opened his text.

Brian: Hey babe! What's your favorite chocolate again?

I chuckled. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up next week and I'm sure he's already planning a bunch of stuff to get me. I tell him every year he doesn't need to get me anything but he still does, that's just the way he is.

Me: Dove. whyyyy?

Brian: No reason. ;) See you later babe <3

Me: You're cute. Have a great rest of the night at work! love you <3

Brian works evening shifts as a mechanic until about 10:00 PM 6 days a week. I work day shifts as an Accountant during the week so it is rare when we get to see each other. I am thankful though that Brian took off for our anniversary next week. 

Just then I heard Megan gasp. "It's up," she squealed. "Jesus Christ calm down," I said placing my hand on my chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Megan giggled, "I'm sorry, I'm just excited." I sighed "I just don't want you to get let down when you don't win." Megan waved her hand at me as if waving off what I just said. "shhh," she said with her eyes glued to the screen. 

"What's up you guys! It's Sam and Colby!" Colby said with excitement in his voice like he always does in their intros. "Ugh, he's so cute." I heard Megan say to herself. I snickered and brought my attention back to the video. "As you guys know, last week we held a contest for you guys, and one lucky winner and a friend get to join us in exploring the haunted Queen Mary ship," said Sam in a creepy voice. 

Colby smiled his giant smile at the camera, "We just want to thank you all for entering and supporting us by buying our merch, it means the world!" He said clasping his hands together. "With that being said, we have chosen our winner, at random -" Sam cut Colby off and came up close to the camera and whispered, "We actually had Jake pick our winner at random." Megan snickered and clasped her hands together "Please be me, please be me!" She said with her eyes closed. 

Colby continued, "So without further ado, the person who will be exploring the Queen Mary with us is...." they both paused and smiled into the camera then said "ANNA SINCLAIR!!" 

My eyes widened as I heard Megan gasp beside me "No way!" she shouted standing up from her chair and grabbing my shoulder. Did I hear that right? Did I win? Megan started jumping up and down "Anna! you won!!" I waved my hand at her "Be quiet! what are they saying?" I said as I inched closer to the screen.

 Megan froze with her hand over her mouth as we watched the rest of the video. "Congrats Anna! We are so excited to meet you!" Colby said with a grin on his face. "You should be receiving an email shortly with more details," Sam said pointing to the camera. He's literally pointing at me because I fucking won the contest. All I bought was a $12 beanie, What the fuck. 

"We just want to say thank you to everyone else who entered, we love you all! Until next time Addios, Peace." they said as they kissed their hands and said goodbye to the camera. Megan slammed her computer shut and started jumping up and down again. 

"Anna!! you fucking won! I get to meet Sam and Colby! oh my god! I get to hug Colby!" She said as she fell to the floor now and started weeping. I still couldn't believe it. How did I win? "Aw Megan," I said as I got up to hug her "I'm so happy for you!" Megan wiped her tears and smiled up at me. "Aren't you excited?" she asked wiping more tears. 

"Well yeah, I'm just more excited for you though, you've been wanting to meet them for so long." I said hugging her again.

Megan composed herself now and grabbed her phone. "I have to tell my friends on Twitter, oh my god." She typed quickly on her phone then looked at me. "Anna! check your email!" I smiled at her, "They probably haven't emailed me yet, chill." 

I grabbed my phone anyways to check and sure enough, I had an email from Sam and Colby. "Oh you're right, here's the email," I said opening it up. Megan gasped, "Read it out loud!" I laughed, "Okay, okay!" I said as I started reading the email: 

What's up! It's Sam and Colby!

Congratulations, Anna Sinclair! You and 1 friend have won the contest to come explore the Queen Mary with us! We are so excited to meet you!

The trip is completely paid for by us, so don't worry about flight or hotel costs, we got you. Just make sure to bring your own money for food and any other things you may want to purchase. The Queen Mary has a great gift shop! We are planning to fly you out - 

I stopped reading. "Shit." I said under my breath but Megan heard me. "What? What's wrong?" She asked me panicked. I sighed. "The trip is next week the 8th to the 12th." Megan smiled wide, "Oh my god we get to meet them in 4 days?!" She started bouncing in her seat again. 

"I gave her a serious look. "Megan, my fucking 5 year anniversary is the 10th." Megan sat still now and her smile faded. "Oh." 

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