Chapter 11 - Queen Mary

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We finally made it to Queen Mary and holy shit. It was huge and honestly so beautiful. The Uber dropped us off and we made our way outside the front entrance. "I can't believe we're here," I said as I backed up a bit to take it all in.

It was honestly crazy being here with Sam and Colby after seeing them do multiple videos here. I felt Colby next to me now.

I looked at him, he was looking up at the ship too, a small smile on his face.

"Is it weird being back?" I asked as I pushed a piece of hair behind my ears. He looked down at me. He looked so happy and just so calm. He nodded, "It's weird, but in a good way."

Megan came up to us now, "I'm already so scared." She said as she stood on the other side of Colby. It looked like she was trying to get as close to him as she could. I smiled a little and made my way over to Sam who was taking an Instagram video of the ship.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled then faced his video towards me. "How you feeling Anna?" He asked.

I smiled and looked back at the ship, "I've honestly been waiting for this my whole life," Sam chuckled a little then said, "Hell yeah dude." He lowered his phone now and swiped through some filters. "Is it okay if I put that on my story?" He asked. I nodded, "Yeah sure, I don't care," I said.

Knowing the Sam and Colby fandom from what Megan has told me, I'm sure it'll start drama.

Oh well, not my problem.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna set my camera up on this garbage can here so we can film the intro if you guys are ready?" Colby said as he placed his camera down. I nodded. I looked over at Megan who was using her phone as a mirror as she ran her hands threw her hair a few times.

"I think I'm ready." She said as she ran a figure under her eyes to brush away any eyeliner that was out of place. I rolled my eyes and found a spot next to Sam in front of the camera.

Megan joined me and once Colby had his camera rolling, he joined us standing next to Megan. He looked over at us, "Okay guys I'm gonna do my intro and you guys can just go with it. Don't be nervous, He said with a smile.

I laughed a little, "Okay but are we going to know what we're doing here first?" I asked. Colby smiled a little bigger then looked away from me and at the camera. Without a warning he started his intro, "Whhhats up guys it's Colby Brock, welcome back to my channel."

I smiled as I watched Colby, he clapped his hands together as he continued, I looked into the camera now.

"Today I am here with Samuel Golbach," He said as he pointed over to Sam. Sam raised a piece sign up, "What's up my dudessss" He said as he started throwing piece signs up everywhere. I looked over at Megan who had the biggest smile on her face. I smiled now too.

Colby laughed a bit, "And we also have some new faces here as well. This is Anna and Megan," Colby said as he placed an arm around Megan's shoulder. We both waved at the camera, "Heyyy" I said trying to not feel awkward that I was talking to a camera.

"Anna and Megan are our contest winners and we are sooo excited to have them here." Sam jumped in now, "Yeah seriously though we're going to have so much fun."

I smiled at Sam, "I'm so ready," I said now.

Colby clapped his hands again, "Alright so as you guys can see, we are currently standing outside of the Queen Mary right now. We're not staying the night tonight, we will be the next few nights though for a series on our Sam and Colby channel so make sure to stay tuned for that in the next few weeks. But TONIGHT, I thought since we have Anna and Megan here, and since I waited too long to film a video for my personal channel," Colby covered his mouth with one of his hands "sorry Reggie" He said quietly.

I laughed, I swear he was always filming videos last minute. He continued, "I thought it would be fun to come here tonight to play a little game." Colby started rubbing his hands together now as he looked at Megan and I.

"Oh god," I said as I looked at the camera, "We have no idea what he's planning by the way," I said as Megan laughed next to me.

Colby laughed too, "Tonight, we're gonna be playing hide and seek inside the Queen Mary."

My eyes widened as I looked over at Colby, he had the biggest grin on his face. "Oh fuck that," I said half jokingly as I started walking away out of frame of the camera like I was leaving. I had to help make Colby's video entertaining.

I heard them all laughing now as they watched me walk away, "Where you going?" Sam asked with a smile on his face. I laughed as I made my way back into frame in between Sam and Megan again.

"I was not expecting that that's what we'd be doing tonight," I said as I laced my arm into Megan's. I felt her hand grip mine, "Same, this is going to be so scary." She said.

Colby smiled, "I know, and I'm going to be the one finding you guys so good luck." He said with an evil laugh. "God dangit," Sam said now.

Colby explained a little bit about what was going to happen. He was going to wait outside and give us 5 minutes to hide. We could go anywhere we wanted except for down in the boiler room since that was off limits to guests anyways.

"I'm going to have Sam, Anna, and Megan record themselves too so you guys can see where they're hiding." Colby said. He went and grabbed the camera now and placed his hand over the lens.

"Okay guys lets go get ready," he said to us and not the camera. I felt myself shiver, "I'm honestly so fucking scared," I said as Megan and I walked together arm and arm.

I heard Colby chuckle behind me. He thought this was gonna be so funny because he wasn't going to be the one hiding on this scary ass ship. Megan looked back at Colby, "Are we going to get in trouble for doing this?" She asked.

Colby smiled, "uhhh," he held his camera up now and faced it towards him, "So Megan just asked if we're gonna get in trouble for playing hide and seek here and I honestly don't know. Probably." He said with a questionable smile.

We stopped walking, Colby turned the camera on us now, "Jesus Christ," I said as I shook my head and continued walking.

I heard Colby giggling behind us, "Anna's not having any of this guys," I heard Colby say. I smiled at his comment. It was so fun hearing them talking to the camera honestly.

It's so weird but so cool being on the other side of it.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna give you 5 minutes to hide. Are you ready? Your time starts NOW!" Colby said with his camera facing us. 

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