Chapter 23 - Truth or Dare or Drink

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"Okay so we're going to play Truth or Dare or Drink. I'll start by asking someone and they can answer a truth or do a dare I give them but if they refuse, they have to take a shot." Jake said as he held up a bottle of alcohol. 

My heart was pounding, I had a feeling this game was going to go south real quick. Everyone was smiling and nodding though so it looked like they've played this a few times. I looked over at Megan, her eyes were wide as she looked back at me.

"You guys in?" Devyn asked Megan and me. I nodded, "Let's do it," I said with a smile. I caught Colby's eyes now, he was sitting across from me, his head leaning in his hand that was propped up on the arm of his chair looking back at me with a small smile. He was still in just his swim shorts and he had thrown on a hat backwards. I looked away quickly and tried to focus in on Jake who was starting the game. 

"Alright......Sam! Truth or Dare." Sam threw his hands up into the air, "Goddang it why do I have to go first," We all laughed as Sam shook his head, "Uhhh dare, what the hell."

I looked back at Jake who had an evil smile on his face. "I dare you to jump into the pool butt ass naked." 

"Whoahhh" Everyone said together. So this is how the game was going to start. Sam let his face fall into his hands on his lap, "Are you kidding me," he said. he straightened himself out and let out a long sigh. 

"You can just drink ya know," Jake said as he waved the bottle of alcohol back and forth in the air. Sam stood up now and shook his head. "Nope, I'm not starting this game off like a little pussy," Sam said in a stern voice as he walked over to the edge of the pool.

"Okay, I don't want to see this," Tara said as she turned her head away from Sam. I did the same and tried holding in my laughter.

"Oh, I wanna see this," Kat said as she sat up straight and proper and watched as Sam I'm assuming started pulling his swim shorts off. 

"Yuck! Yuck! Oh my god," Colby started yelling as he turned away from Sam now as well. I heard a splash then and everyone cheered and we all looked back at him as he popped back up out of the water. 

"Okay, I did it," He said as he swam back to the ledge and grabbed his shorts. We were all dying laughing as Sam took a walk of shame back to his seat. I watched as Kat threw a towel around his shoulders and then pulled him close to her, giving him a kiss on the cheek. They were so cute. 

It was Sam's turn now and he asked Devyn truth or dare, she picked truth. Sam thought for a second, "Okay, uhhh how many sexual partners have you had?" 

"Ohhhh" Everyone said now as Corey got up quickly and snatched the bottle of alcohol out of Jake's hand. "Okay, nope you're not answering that," He said as he started pouring Devyn a shot. We all laughed as he set it in front of her, "Drink up," He said with his arms folded over his chest.

Devyn giggled, "For Corey's sake, I'm not going to answer that," She said as she picked up the shot glass and downed it in one gulp. We all cheered as she winced and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 

We got through a few more people, some people drank some people answered the truth or did the dare. It was Kat's turn to pick someone now, "Anna truth or dare?" 

Oh boy, I was getting nervous. "Truth," I said as I sat up a bit getting ready for the question. "What is your favorite position?" she asked with a smile. 

"Ohhhh'" everyone said as they waited for me to answer. I thought for a second because I never really thought about it before. "Well, this might sound boring but I'd have to say missionary. But I don't like it boring." I looked around now and caught Colby's eyes, he looked very interested in my answer. I smiled and looked down. "I like it super rough, like with my hands pinned above my head. I like to be dominated."

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