Chapter 13 - Something About Colby Brock

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The ride back to the hotel was quiet. Sam sat up front again with the Uber driver and Colby Megan and I were in the back.

I leaned my head on Megan's shoulder the whole way home. I ran through everything in my head again. The scratching, the touch, the knocks.

I shivered. Whatever was in that closet didn't feel right but I had this feeling deep down that I needed to go back. I sighed and rolled my head over against the window watching the bright lights of traffic fly by.

I hadn't realized until we left that what happened to me was a panic attack. I don't get them often but when I do, they're bad.

I thought back to the last time I had one. It was almost a year ago, A car had pulled out in front of Brian and I on the highway when we were going 60 mph. Luckily no one got hurt thanks to Brian's quick instinct to veer off to the side.

I remember hyperventilating as Brian held me in the passenger seat of our car as we waited for the police. I couldn't breathe, my vision was blurry, and I remember my ears were ringing.

Just like what had happened to me in that closet.

Brian has always been there for me when it's happened to me, except for today. Today, Colby was there for me. It was like he knew what to do. The way he was holding me calmed me down instantly. I could still feel his arms wrapped around me.

I sat up a bit and glanced over Megan and at Colby who was looking or his window. It was like he sensed me looking at him. He turned his head a bit towards me, catching my eyes.

I let a light smile form on my face. I watched as he smiled too, his smile was so comforting. It was like he was telling me that everything was okay. I turned back to the window. I could feel his eyes lingering on me still until he turned back to his window too.


The boys ordered some pizza once we got back to the hotel. I had one piece, I honestly wasn't too hungry.

It was almost 9:00pm and I was ready for bed. That may seem kind of early but because of the time difference, it was past my bedtime.

I said goodnight to the boys and Megan and headed to bed. I'm sure Megan would be coming to bed soon too, I'm sure she didn't want to sit in the boys room with them alone.

I climbed into bed and grabbed my phone to text Brian.

Me: Hey B, today was a crazy long day. We went to the Queen Mary and it was insane. I think I'm going to head to bed now. We can talk tomorrow. I love you so much. Goodnight

After sending the text, I laid my head on my pillow and drifted off to sleep quickly.

It felt like I had only slept for 5 minutes when I shot up in bed, I was sweating and shaking. I looked around the dark room and saw Megan sleeping soundly next to me.

I had just dreamt about what had happened to me in the closet. It was like it happened to me all over again. I pulled the covers off of me and looked at the clock.

2:37 AM.

I had been asleep almost 6 hours but it felt like I'd been awake for days. I was exhausted and drained.

I stood up now and made my way to the balcony, I needed some fresh air. I opened the door and the cool breeze hit my face gently. I crossed my arms over my chest trying to hug my sweatshirt I was wearing close to me.

I stepped out onto the balcony and closed the door behind me and that's when I saw Colby.

He was standing there leaning over the railing. He was shirtless with just a pair of black sweatpants on. I smiled lightly as his eyes caught mine. He smiled too and pushed himself away from the balcony.

Is It Worth It? // Colby BrockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon