Chapter 19 - B340

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I was shaking as we walked back to room B340. I couldn't stop thinking about Colby. We just kissed and I loved it so much. I could still feel his lips pressed against mine, his tongue begging for entrance. 

His hands on my body. 

I almost forgot what happened after that because I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.

We were almost a few rooms away from B340 when I stopped walking. I watched as Colby continued ahead of him but then stopped and turned to look at me. 

"You okay?" He asked as he came back to me, I watched as he took my hand in his, and then ran his hand up my arm to my shoulder where he ran his hand back and forth across my back.

Jesus christ why was he doing that? It only made me want him even more. I smiled up at him, a light smile and he did the same. I cleared my throat then, "What are we going to tell Sam and Megan? Like what are we going to tell them happened?" 

Colby smiled more now and moved his hand away from my back, "Let me do the talking, okay?" I nodded and followed him to the room.

I took a deep breath before we entered the room. Again, the energy was so different and so off in this room. As we entered we saw Megan and Sam jump up from the couch quickly, they honestly looked like they had just seen a ghost. 

"Dude! Holy crap we've literaly been having a full on conversation with something literally since you guys left. Everything we've asked its answered us with yes or no questions perfectly."

My eyes widened as I looked up at Colby, his eyes were the same. "Holy shit no way?" He asked as he set his backback down on the bed then sat down next to it. 

I smiled at Sam and Megan, "That's crazy! I cant wait to see the footage." Megan ws nodding frantically, "I cant wait for you guys to see it, it was the craziest thing ive ever seen. HOw about you guys, did you figure anything out?" Megan asked now. 

I felt my heart start beating fast again.

"Yeah, please tell me you guys got some answers," Sam added as he took a seat next to Colby on the bed. 

Colby looked over at me just for a second then looked back at Sam and Megan, "Yeah, so at first we thought we were talking to a child but something just didn't seem right and we both started getting this really bad feeling that it wasn't a child if you know what I mean..." Colby said as he gritted his teeth back and forth.

"Holy shit that's terrifying," Sam said back.

I nodded, "Yeah we did the spirit box and stuff but after that we started getting a bad feeling so we decided to call it. We got some good footage though," I said with a smile as I looked down, rubbing my arm with my opposite hand.

I hated lying to them, especially since we got some crazy evidence. There's no way we can let anyone see it though. Especially Megan. She would probably disown me as a sister forever. I looked back up to see Colby eyeing me softly, but he quickly looked away.

Sam looked from me to Colby. It almost looked like he could tell something had happened. I tried to ignore his look and that thought because there was just no way.

Sam stood up now, "Well I'm excited to see that footage, I'm glad you guys figured it out. That's so scary though. If it's not a child, we know exactly what it is." I nodded, "Yup we got out of there so fast after talking about it off camera and figuring out."

Sam nodded, "Alright so I really think we should try the Estes method again, right now. Especially since Megan and I have been having such good luck." I nodded and watched as Sam and Colby got all the equipment ready. The boys asked if either of us wanted to go under this time, but Megan and I agreed that we wanted Colby to go under again. In all their videos I've seen, it seemed like they would get the best results when Colby would go under.

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