Chapter 40 - Too Close

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I followed Colby down the hall and to the elevator. Colby pulled his phone out as we waited. I glanced over to see what he was doing.

I gave him an odd look "Are you ordering us an Uber?" I asked with a laugh.

Colby stopped typing on his phone and looked over at me with confusion.

"Yeah, the restaurants like 10 minutes away," he said with a smile.

He was adorable, I thought as I reached into my purse for my car keys. I dangled them in front of my face with my finger.

Colby still looked confused.

"We're gonna take my car, Cali Boy." I said in a funny voice.

I remembered back to the first day we met when I was joking around with Colby about being a "Cali Boy" and Ubering everywhere.

Colby's face changed and he started smiling as he clicked his phone off and slid it into his pocket.

"Ahhh I see now," he said with realization. He came up close to me and set his hands on my waist. He looked me in the eyes and hesitated a bit, making sure this was okay.

I smiled and gave me a look letting him know it was.

He smiled too and eyed me up and down, "you're so cute," he said as he pulled me into a hug.

I loved his hugs, they were so comfortable. I hugged him back but then pulled away as the elevator opened.

"Okay let's go!" I said in an excited tone and I hurried into the elevator. Colby hurried in behind me and grabbed me from behind and started twirly me around.

I squealed and giggled as the elevator doors closed behind us.

We made it to the parking ramp and to my car fairly quickly. We both jumped in and I started my car.

"Alright," I said as I buckled my seat belt. "Can you pull up the directions please?" I looked over at Colby who was looking at me with a sly smile on his face as he leaned on his hand against the car window.

I chuckled a little bit and leaned back in my seat. "What?" I asked.

Colby shrugged, "I don't know it still just feels like I'm taking an Uber ride since I'm not the one driving. Except this time my Uber driver is super cute."

I laughed out loud now, "Oh my god Colby, shut up and pull up the directions," I said as I punched him playfully in the arm.

"It's true!" He whined as he started typing on his
phone with the biggest smile on his face.

The drive to Mt. Adam's Bar and Grill was only 10 minutes but Colby and I talked about a lot of stuff on the way there.

He asked me more about my work, he knew I was an Accountant but didn't know what I actually did every day.

"Sooo can you do my taxes next year?" He asked in a playful tone.

I rolled my eyes, "Why does everyone assume that since I'm an Accountant I'll do their taxes?"

We both laughed at that and then he started asking about my family.

I didn't talk about them much. Megan was the closest family I had. My mom and dad split when I was really young and I didn't see my mom much at all after that. She got into a lot of bad things which was a main reason why they split.

It was always my dad and I but ever since I moved out when I was 18, I barely talked to my dad anymore. It made me sad thinking about it now.

Colby told me about his family too. I knew he grew up in Kansas but I didn't know that he was an only child.

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