Chapter 7 - Hotel Maya

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Our uber was right there waiting for us as we walked outside. I felt the warm LA air hit my face. I took it in and smiled. I could live out here.

David was standing next to the passenger side door and when he saw us he smiled and waved. I'm sure he could tell it was us because we were walking towards him.

"Anna Sinclar?" David asked with a smile. I smiled back, "That's us," I said as David opened the door for us. "Welcome to LA!" He said as he helped us in. Once he shut the door Megan and I looked at each other. "Wow, this is nothing like the Ubers in Ohio," I said with a laugh.

"No shit," Megan said with a laugh. David got in now and offered us some snacks and water. "I'll take a water," I said, "Megan, you need one?" I asked. I could tell her nerves were at a high. "Uh -" she started but I cut her off "Two waters please," I answered for her.

David handed us the waters, "So the drive will take about 30 minutes. Make yourselves comfortable," He said as he started off down the parking garage. Once we were out, I looked out and you could see LA for miles. There were palm trees on every corner and people walking around in bikinis and shorts. I smiled, "Oh LA, how I have longed for you." I said out loud.

"So, is this your guys' first time in LA?" David asked. I nodded as I saw him looking back at us in the mirror. "Yup, first time," I said as I took a drink of my water.

"We won a trip to explore the Queen Mary with Sam and Colby," Megan added, "We're so excited."

I saw David's eyebrows raise in the mirror, "The Queen Mary, huh? I've got a wicked story my friend told me once from when he stayed there a few years back."

Megan and I looked at each other with wide eyes. "Oh man, please tell. We gotta know what we're getting ourselves into." I said as I leaned back in my seat.

David laughed, "So my friend and his girlfriend booked a room there for a night because they're both into that paranormal stuff, unlike me. I'm a little baby when it comes to that stuff," David said. We both laughed.

"Anyways," He continued, "They had been having a crazy night I guess, seeing random shadows in the hallways, and hearing knocks in their room and stuff. But then, once they tried to go to sleep, they couldn't because they both felt like there was someone else in the room with them."

"Oh fuck," Megan said next to me. David laughed, "It gets worse. so they ended falling asleep, somehow, and then my friend woke up at like 3:15 AM -"

"The devil's hour..." I whispered to Megan. She nodded with wide eyes.

David continued, "And my friend could've sworn he saw his girlfriend sitting at the end of their bed. He said her name a few times but no answer. And that's when he realized she was laying right next to him.

My eyes widened as I looked over at Megan who was shaking her head, "Nope, fuck that!" She said as she held her purse close to her chest. I shook my head too, "That's insane, but so cool."

David smiled, "Yeah, and then my friend turned the light on and there was nothing there."

"Wow," I said. "This is going to be insane, M."


Colby's POV

I checked my phone, it was 5 past 10:00. The girls would be here any minute. I looked over at Sam who was making an Instagram video.

"What up guys! Colby and I are just chilling here waiting to meet the contest winners," He panned his phone over to me. I smiled and held up a peace sign "Yo!" I said into the camera. Sam brought the camera back to him. "We are SUPER excited and we can't wait to explore the Queen Mary with a couple of YOU GUYS!" He said as he pointed at his camera.

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