Chapter 31 - Dying Down

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I sat at my computer desk at work just staring at my screen. I had so much work to do but it felt like I hadn't done any work all day.

I was either thinking about too many things at once or my coworkers heard the news about the engagement and were coming to my office to see my ring.

I sighed and picked up my phone. It was almost noon, the day had been dragging. I watched as 2 Instagram notifications popped up on my phone adding to the 50 others that had shown up in the last half hour since I looked last.

It seemed like the comments were dying down but I was still getting new followers and likes on my posts.

I was waiting for Megan to mention something about the picture that was going around last night. She's pretty deep in the Sam and Colby fandom so I'm sure she was seeing it all over Twitter and I'm sure people were asking her about it too.

She had to be up early this morning for her Starbucks job, and I knew she'd be off soon, so I know it would only be a matter of time before she texted me or even called me.

I stared at the lock screen on my phone for what felt like forever until I finally opened it and went to my texts. Specifically Colby's texts.

I still hadn't texted him back. What would I even say? This was all so hard. I didn't want to ignore him forever, I had to say something. I sighed and started typing. I only managed a few words though.

Me: Thank you Colby ☺️

I stared at my reply to his engagement text to me for what felt like forever, and then I hit send. I took a deep breath and set my phone down, trying to focus back in on my work.

About 10 minutes later my phone buzzed and my heart started beating fast. I hesitated before picking up my phone.

Colby: Of course 🙂

Colby: I'm sure you've seen the picture of us going around, I'm sorry that had to happen. It's starting to die down already though. I saw Megan tweeted something this morning about you having a boyfriend and everything and it made the fandom calm down a bit. Your engagement post helped too. 😁 Anyways, no need to worry all is good

I smiled as I read Colby's text. I felt a little weight lift off of my shoulders already. I started texting him back.

Me: Lol yeah I was pretty stressed last night. I'm glad it's dying down already. I haven't talked to Megan since last night, I'm just waiting for her to say something to me lmao

Colby: Don't let what she says bother you. She was there and she could've come into the water with us that day 😉

Me: Yeah you're right 😊

Colby: I hope you're having a good day Anna. ☺️ I have a couple meetings today and a photo shoot right after. Talk to you later?

I swallowed hard as I read over Colby's text. No doubt I wanted to talk to him later but I know the more I text him, the harder it'll be for me to let him go.

I shook my head and texted him back.

Me: We'll see 🙂 Have a good day Colby

Colby hearted my text and that was that. I hope I didn't make him feel bad with my text but I really didn't know if I would be texting him later or not.


I finally made it home from work after the longest day ever and the worst traffic ever. I pulled my keys out of my purse, unlocking the front door of my apartment. I saw Megan sitting at the kitchen table, her head lend in her hand as she played with the the cereal in the bowl in front of her.

Oh boy here we go.

I cleared my throat as I shut the door behind me. "Hey," I said as I walked to the table and sat sown across from her.

"Hey," she said, not even looking up at me. It was quiet for a bit until I spoke.

"Everything okay?" I asked even though I knew exactly what was wrong.

She sighed loudly then leaned back in her chair. "Did you see that picture of you and Colby going around? And all the comments on your posts?" She looked like she had been crying.

I looked down and nodded as I picked at my nails. "Yeah, I saw. I'm just trying to ignore it though. It's not that big of a deal. You've told me before how crazy the fandom can get over the littlest things."

Megan huffed a bit now, "This isn't a little thing though, that picture of you guys, whatever you were doing in it, looks really bad Anna. Like what were you doing? You had your hand up by Colby's face. I don't know it's just weird. That whole day at the beach you guys were being really flirty and stuff."

I felt myself becoming warm, I was trying not to get angry but it was hard. Constantly hearing Megan talking about Colby and I was starting to get really old. It's not her fault though, there was something going on between us but she can't ever know that.

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, "Like I told you how many times already, I was just trying to get to know him, talk to him, joke around with him a bit. I'm pretty sure there was something on his face from the water, my instinct was just to wipe it off for him. That's it. Please, Megan can we just drop this? It's done."

Megan was quiet, I watched as tears formed in her eyes. She nodded though, "Yeah, I'm sorry it's just hard."

I leaned forward in my chair a bit. 'What's hard?"

Megan shrugged, "Everything. Not being in LA anymore. Not being with Colby, I didnt think it would hurt this bad."

I nodded slowly, I know exactly how she was feeling. I waited as she contuied.

"I've messaged him on Instagram a couple of times, once last night and once this morning. He hasn't even looked at the messages. Do you think he's ignoring me? do you think he will ever message me back? I don't know. This is so hard. Like when we kissed, I really felt like there was something between us. Do you think it's possible that he felt something too? If he did you'd think he wouldve messaged me back right away."

I watched as Megan's eyes moved back and forth like she was trying to figure it all out. I felt so bad, she needed to stop overthinking it all.

I smiled a bit, "Hey, try not to worry about it. I'm sure he's just been busy editing and stuff after our trip. And the kiss, I mean," I tried to think of the right words. I shrugged, "I mean maybe he felt something, I don't know. You should just be happy it happened, right?"

Megan nodded as she wiped a tear from her eyes. "Yeah, I still can't believe we kissed," She said with a laugh.

We sat there for a while just reminiscing about our trip, bringing up some things from the investigations we did that both of us forgot about. So much happened during the trip, it would be so hard to remember it all.

There was one thing I would never forget though, and no matter how hard I'll try, I don't think I will ever forget about it.

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