Chapter 45 - Decisions and Suspicions

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It was 5:30 now, as Colby and I stood together outside of my car at the airport drop off.

We spent the whole day together. After we finally decided to get out of bed, we checked out and tried the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast. It was so good.

We then decided to go on a drive on the outside of the city. I drove while Colby played his music, I loved all the songs on his playlist. I'd be adding some to mine on the drive home tonight.

We found a cute diner for a late lunch where we stayed and just sat and talked for along time.

Now it was time to say goodbye.

Colby held me tight in his arms as his head rested on top of mine.

I hated goodbyes with him. I knew though that I could decide not to say goodbye to him anymore if I wanted to. There was just so much in the way of my decision.

Colby pulled away now and smiled down at me.

"Until next time, yeah?" He said as he rubbed my back slowly.

I smiled and nodded as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Colby," I started. "I'm going to make a decision soon, I promise. I need to, otherwise I think I'm gonna start going crazy. And I'm just sorry you have to go through this. I don't want you to think you're not good enough it's just the situation I'm in, it's just so hard it's just-"

Colby pulled me into him now, his hand rested on the back of my head lightly.

"It's okay Anna. I get it. I'm the one who decided it was a good idea to go for a girl who was in a relationship. I have no room to say anything. I'm gonna be here. I'm not giving up on you Anna," Colby said as he pulled away and kissed me softly on the lips.

I nodded as he kissed me and I then wrapped my arms around his neck.

I didn't know when I'd see him next, I needed to remember him, the way his arms felt around me, the smell of his cologne. Everything.

I didn't want to forget.

I let go now and let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, you should probably get going so you don't miss your flight."

Colby nodded, but then his eyes widened. "One more thing."

I watched as Colby reached around his neck and unclasped his cross necklace. He let it dangle from his hand and then held it out to me.

I gave him an odd look and my heart started beating fast. Was he giving me his cross necklace? The one he wears every day?

I shook my head, "Colby, I can't take that." I said as I felt more tears form in my eyes.

Colby chuckled a bit. "I want you to have it. So you'll have a piece of me with you. Please take it."

I smiled softly and nodded as I reached for the cross with my fingers. He let it go and the chain dangled from my hand now.

I looked back up at him, "thank you Colby," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck one last time.

I gripped his necklace in my hand as I held him tight.

"I love you, Anna. I swear I have since the moment I first saw you as cheesy as that sounds," Colby said with a laugh.

I laughed a bit too and pulled away, "And I don't tell just anyone that I love them. But I love you, Colby Brock."

He smiled, pulled me in for one last kiss, and then he was gone.


I sat in my car outside the airport holding Colby's cross necklace in my hand, and I just cried.

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