Chapter 35 - The Plan

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I walked back to my house with a smile on my face. Colby and I just hung up after talking for over 30 minutes.

It didn't feel like that long and I already missed his voice.

On the phone, we started planning for him to fly out to Cincinnati this coming Friday.

5 days.

I just had to get through this week and I would be able to see him again.

I made my way up the front steps of my house and paused before turning the door knob. I had to get my thoughts together and what I was gonna say.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Brian was in the kitchen starting dinner and Megan was on the couch scrolling on her phone. They both looked at me as I walked in.

"Hey, everything okay?" Brian asked.

I smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah sorry, Lauren got a call from Corporate saying they need a couple girls from Accounting to join a business meeting in Cincinnati this coming weekend."

I sighed and slipped my shoes off and made my way to the kitchen table. I sat with my head resting in my hands.

Brian made an annoyed face, "That sucks, and so last minute too. Are you sure you have to go?" He asked as he turned back to the stove.

I sighed again, "Yeah, Lauren said it's mandatory that we go."

Megan came walking into the kitchen now, "Yuck. I'd hate having to go to the city for business meetings. This is why I'm glad I'm a barista." She said with a chuckle.

I smiled and laughed a bit too, "Right, sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with this stuff."

"So is it like an over night trip?" Brian asked.

I nodded, "Yeah I'll probably leave Friday afternoon and be back home Saturday night. I'm sure the girls will wanna hang out and go shopping in the city and stuff after the meeting so who knows how late I'll get back."

Brian turned back to me with sad puppy dog eyes. "I'm gonna miss you while you're gone," he said as he walked over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

I smiled and closed my eyes as I felt him kiss me, but I still didn't feel that spark.

As much as I wanted that spark back with Brian, I felt okay because I was just so excited to see Colby in less than a week.

It was all I would be thinking about.


It was Monday, and I just sent my PTO request in for Friday afternoon. I knew there would be no problem taking it off. My work was super cool about PTO as long as we were getting our work done.

I picked my phone up and saw I had a Snapchat from Colby.

I told him instead of texting, I'd rather Snapchat because it would be easier to hide it if we wanted to talk. I smiled as I opened his snap:

 I smiled as I opened his snap:

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God he was so cute. This was the first time he's actually sent me a Snap picture instead of us just texting in chat since we started using Snapchat after we talked yesterday.

I smiled and hit reply and took a picture of my self looking to the side a bit with a smile on my face.

What's that?

I wrote and then sent the snap.

I couldn't stop smiling as I waited for Colby to reply.

I have just felt so happy since yesterday, the anticipation of knowing I'd be seeing Colby again so soon was creating so many positive feelings and emotions for me.

I heard a knock on my door then, I looked over and saw it was Lauren peaking her head in.

"Hey girl, I -," she smiled then, "what are you so smiley about?" She asked as she leaned against the door frame.

I had been smiling so much just sitting at my desk, even my coworkers were noticing.

"Oh hey, I just saw something funny on Facebook, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just seeing if you had that spreadsheet ready for me yet?" Lauren asked with a smile.

"Ah yes, sorry about that. I have a few more rows to calculate and I'll send it right over to you." I said as I turned back to my desk.

"Awesome you're the best Anna. And no rush either," Lauren said as she turned from my door.

"No problem," I said, "Hey Lauren?" I said now catching her before she made her way down the hallway.

She peaked her head back in, "Yes?" She asked.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm talking some time off Friday afternoon, I sent my time in already but I wanted to make sure that was okay with you and the rest of the girls?"

Lauren smiled and waved her hand at me, "oh yeah of course! Bout time you start using more PTO. I swear besides your trip a couple weeks ago you never take off. Go enjoy it. Got any fun plans?"

I smiled to myself. I sure did but I wasn't gonna tell her that.

I shrugged, "Not really, just wanting some time off for some 'me time.' And like you said I never use PTO. I gotta start using it before I lose it all." I said with a laugh.

Lauren laughed too, "I totally get that. No problem at all."

I thanked Lauren and waited for her to leave my office, and then I picked up my phone. Colby had sent me another snap. I swear him snapping me would never get old.

I opened it, he had sent me a picture of his computer screen. On the screen was a picture of a plane ticket to Cincinnati, OH for this Friday. Underneath the photo he wrote:

😍 Can't wait to see you ✈️

My heart fluttered reading his message, this was really happening. He was really flying across the country to see me.

I felt so special.

I felt so lucky.

I snapped him back a pic of me with a sweet smile.

Friday can't come faster 😍

After sending that snap I tried to get back to work, I needed to finish that spreadsheet for Lauren along with about 20 other things. That's a Monday for you.

My phone buzzed again another snap from Colby:

I smiled and sent him back a picture and wrote:

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I smiled and sent him back a picture and wrote:

I should be asking you the same thing 🖤

I set my phone down and leaned back in my chair.

Talking to Colby like this just made me feel so free and just so happy.

It's that feeling you get when you first start dating someone, the 'honeymoon phase' some people call it.

It's a feeling that I never want to go away.

Is It Worth It? // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now