Chapter 26 - Was it Worth it?

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I laid with my hand on Colby's bare chest as he ran his hand up and down my back. It was almost 4:30 AM and I was still with Colby in his room. I didn't want to leave.

After what happened only a few hours ago, I got up from Colby's bed and headed to the bathroom, threw my clothes on, then walked to Colby's door to get ready to head back to my room. 

I waited and watched as Colby came over to me. He was just pulling his sweatpants back on as I was coming out of his bathroom.

A small smile spread across his face as he wrapped his arms around me and pushed me back agasint his door, softly. I smiled up at him too. 

"Please don't leave me yet," He said in a soft whisper before leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips. 

I wrapped my arms around him now and leaned my head back against the door, "What if Megan wakes up and wonders where I am?" I asked now. I could not let her see me leaving Colby's room. She would kill me. 

Colby kissed my forehead, and then pulled away from me, taking one of my hands in his. "That's a risk we will have to take," he said as he pulled me with him and back to his bed. 

So here I was snuggling with Colby in his bed. We had been laying here just talking about everything. Getting to know each other as much as we could until it would be time for us to say goodbye in just 4 short hours.

 I traced my fingers up and down his chest and that's when I noticed he had his cross necklace on. I hadn't noticed it all night. I sat up on one of my elbows and took the cross in between my fingers. One of his arms was bent resting behind his head, and he had a small smile on his face as he watched me. I smiled now too as I let the cross drop back to his chest.

"Are you sure you want to continue wearing that? After what happened?" I asked. 

Colby shrugged, "I'm sure it's fine. It always makes me feel safe when I wear it. Now, if it would've actually broke, I would've gotten a new one but I've had this one forever. I'm not ready to let go of it yet." He said as he took the cross in between his fingers now. 

I nodded, "That's fair." I said as I pulled myself up and onto Colby. His eyes twinkled up at me as he pulled my face down to his for a kiss. 

I was going to miss his lips so much. 

I watched as his eyes stayed closed for a few seconds after we pulled away, but then they opened and there was something different about them now. he blinked a few times, then found one of my hands and held it in his. 

"I know this sounds crazy, but what if you stayed here with me? In LA. Just a little longer?" My stomach turned hearing his words. There was no way I could. I had to get back to my life in Ohio. My job. My friends.


I sighed and got off of Colby now, I sat cross-legged next to him on the bed. He sat up and turned to his side, resting his head in one of his hands as he watched me. He looked down now, "Sorry I know that was stupid to even ask." 

I smiled and shook my head, "No, it wasn't. As much as I would like to, I can't. We both know I can't." 

Colby looked up and nodded, but he looked sad, like genuinely sad. "I'm just going to miss you so much. I wish things were different. I wish you weren't-" He stopped talking now and let out a long sigh. 

"You wish what?" I asked. 

"I just wish you weren't seeing someone." He said as he reached for my hand again. 

I'm sure he could feel my hand trembling as he held it in his. I was fighting with my thoughts now. Part of me wishes this could be more than just an LA fling, the other part of me knew it was wrong and that once I got back home to Brian, this was all just going to be a crazy memory. I would always have the memories, though. And I would never forget them.

This, whatever this is that I have with Colby, it would never happen again. It couldn't. I've built up such a great life with Brian, I wasn't about to throw it all away for a boy I just met 5 days ago. A boy that will probably just move on the second I get on that plane today. 

I pulled Colby in for a hug now, His arms wrapped around me tightly as he pulled me close to him. I buried my face into his neck as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 

"I'm sorry, Colby." 

He didn't say anything, he just hugged me even tighter than I even knew was possible.

It was almost 5:00 AM when I decided it was time for me to head back to my room. I was supposed to be up in the next hour to start getting ready before the boys brought us to the airport. I was going to be dead for the next few hours until we got on the plane where I planned on sleeping the whole way home. 

Colby held me in his arms as he swayed me back and forth in front of his bedroom door, his head resting on top of mine. Neither of us wanted to let go. This would be the last time we would be this close. Sure we would hug before saying goodbye at the airport, but it wouldn't be the same with Megan and Sam there.

I really was going to miss him so much. Colby lifted my chin and gave me one last long kiss on the lips. He pulled away then said, "I'll see you in a couple of hours, Okay?" I nodded and gave him one last hug. "Okay," I whispered back. 

I opened Colby's door slowly and peeked out into the hallway, it was pitch black. I was in the clear.

I closed my door slowly now and just as I was turning to head to my room, I saw Sam coming up the stairs.

I froze when I saw him. He froze too. I could barely make him out from the light shining from downstairs. I gulped hard as he started walking toward me. "Anna is that you?" He asked. I could see his face now and he had a water bottle in his hand. He looked so confused. 

"Were you just - were you just in Colby's room?" He whispered pointing at Colby's door behind me. My heart was pounding, why did he have to be coming up the stairs just as I was leaving?

How long was he downstairs? How long had he been awake? Did he hear us earlier? Shit.

I looked back at Colby's room and then at Sam, "Oh yeah uh, I couldn't sleep and I found him downstairs earlier. He asked if I wanted to look over footage with him." 

It looked like Sam was not buying it at all.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Huh okay. How long have you guys been up?" He looked down at his phone in his hand, "It's almost 5:00 AM." He said as he clicked his phone off and slid it into his shorts pocket. 

I laughed a little as I slid past him, "Just a couple of hours. Yeah, I probably should've tried sleeping because now I'm sooo tired. I guess I'll just have to sleep on the plane," I said as I backed myself up to the door to my room and gripped the door handle in my hand.

Sam laughed a bit now too, "Yeah, I guess so." I smiled and nodded, "Yeah so uh I'm going to try and sleep for a half hour or so... Also please don't mention that I was with Colby around Megan, she'll kill me," I whispered. 

Sam smiled and nodded, "I won't, don't worry. Now try and get some sleep." I nodded too and slipped inside my room quickly, closing the door softly behind me. I breathed out now, not realizing I was holding my breath. I stayed quiet trying to hear if Megan was awake at all. 

All I heard was snoring.

Thank. God.

Is It Worth It? // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now