Chapter 41 - Fountain Square

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We found a place to park pretty easily which was surprising because of how busy the square looked.

I smiled as I unbuckled my seat belt and glanced over at Colby who was doing the same.

He looked curious as to where we were. We both got out, I waited for Colby as he threw on a black knitted XPLR sweater since it was getting chilly out.

Colby and I walked side by side, but I led the way down the path to the center of the city.

"My dad use to take me here all the time when I was little," I said, breaking the silence.

Colby glanced over at me, "oh yeah?"

I nodded. "You hear that? Sounds like there's a live band playing tonight too."

Colby smiled and brushed up against me a bit, "well where ever you're taking me, I love it already."

We finally made it to the center of the square, there were people every where. People sitting with cups of coffee chatting, some people taking selfies with their friends. And some people just sitting alone on benches taking in the beautiful night.

To the right was a stage where a small band was playing. People were swaying and dancing to the music.

Right in the middle though, was the fountain. This what I wanted Colby to see. Cincinnati was famous for this fountain, it was built over 100 years ago and at night, it shined bright with colorful lights.

Ever since I was a kid, I loved coming here. I could just sit and watch the fountain for hours.

I led the way to the fountain and stopped a couple yards infront of it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked Colby, glancing up at him.

He had the sweetest smile on his face as he pulled me close to him now. I smiled and rested my head and hand on his chest. He was so comfortable especially in the sweater he was wearing.

"I love this Anna, I could spend hours here it's just so...."

"Relaxing?" I cut Colby off and he smiled and nodded.

I pulled away from Colby and found a spot on the edge of the fountain. Colby followed and sat down next to me, his leg laid against mine.

"I miss coming here, my dad and I made it a point to come here a couple times a year. We'd get ice cream down town and then come and sit and people watch," I said as the memories ran threw my brain.

"I felt Colby's hand lay in my leg softly, "well I'm glad I can be here with you," he said.

I glanced up at him, the way the lights around us reflected off of his eyes was mesmerizing. I could get lost in his eyes.

It was taking everything in me not to kiss him right then. I wanted to, and we had already today but I still had so much I needed to figure out.

I watched as Colby leaned in close to me, his eyes moved to my lips then back up. I smiled and looked down as I started digging in my purse.

I found two quarters and handed one to Colby.

"Here," I said, our fingers grazed as he took the quarter from me and I felt a shiver run up my spine.

The smallest touches from him made my heart skip.

"Make a wish," I said as I turned toward the fountain and held the quarter close to me.

I heard Colby chuckle next to me, "Do you believe in this stuff? Like that your wish could actually come true?"

I studied him a bit then shrugged, thinking back to all the wishes I'd made at this fountain in the past.

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