Chapter 2 - Please, Brian.

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"I'm sure Brian will understand, don't worry about it," Megan said perking back up again. I shook my head at her. "I'm not going." I leaned back in my chair with my arms folded. I was actually kind of excited to go to Cali. I've never been there and it's been a dream of mine to go someday. I can't leave Brian on our anniversary though, I just can't. 

I heard Megan whin next to me, "Anna, please! Brian knows you love this paranormal stuff. I know he will understand. please!" I shook my head again, "I'm sorry Megan. Any other week I could but I know Brian already has so much planned for us. I'm sure you can still go though, I'll email them back the situation. Maybe you can bring Jessica or something." Megan scoffed, "Hell no, I'm not bringing Jessica. She's a fake fan who just thinks Colby's hot, I don't want her being around him." 

I rolled my eyes. She needs to find an actual boyfriend, I thought to myself. Megan sighed, "Well what does the rest of the email say?" I started reading again:

We are planning to fly you out Wednesday the 8th and you will stay until Sunday the 12th. We are planning on staying at the Queen Mary one of the nights, so be ready! All we need from you is a copy of you and your friends' driver's licenses so we can get your plan tickets bought and sent to you. Because the trip is so soon, please get this information to us by the end of the day tomorrow, the 5th. If for any reason you are unable to go, please let us know IMMEDIATELY as we have a second winner lined up that we will notify. 

Thanks again for entering and congrats! Please email us with any questions you may have before the trip!

Sam and Colby

Megan threw her hands up. "See, they have a second winner lined up. If you tell them you are unable to go then I probably can't go." She started crying again but for a different reason this time. 

I swear this shit always happens to me. Whenever something fun comes up, something gets in the way or I already have plans. I sighed and hugged Megan. "I'll talk to Brian about it tonight, okay?" Megan looked up at me, "Really?" I smiled and nodded. "I know how much this means to you." Megan smiled and hugged me back, "Thank you, Ann!"


Later that night Megan and I were sitting on the couch watching Gilmore Girls. it was 9:30, Brian would be home soon and I was still trying to figure out how I was gonna tell him about this trip.

I heard Megan giggle next to me as she was scrolling on her phone. "What's funny?" I asked as I took a sip of my wine. Megan giggled again "All my friends are so excited that I get to ghost hunt with them. I'm like fandom famous now."

I smiled at her as I swayed my glass in my hand. God, I hope Brian understands. We have to go on this trip, it would mean everything to Megan. I heard Megan sigh as she got up from the couch. "Well, I'm going to head to bed... Send me a text after you talk to Brian. I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight. Good nigh,!" She said as she walked past me. "Night, M." I said back. 

Once she was out of sight down the hall, I let out a huge sigh and rubbed my face with my hands. "Fuck." I whispered to myself.


"Anna? Anna, wake up," I opened my eyes slowly to see Brian sitting next to my rubbing my back. He smiled "Hey sleepy," He said before kissing my forehead softly. I looked up at him, his curly brown hair laid perfectly on him even after a long day of work. I smiled, "Sorry I fell asleep, there's leftover spaghetti in the fridge if you're hungry." Brian shook his head, "I stopped at McDonald's on the way home." 

I smiled lightly then curled myself up in the blanket I had wrapped around me. it was quiet until Brian said, "Is everything okay?" I looked up at him, he had a worried look on his face. "Actually I need to talk to you about something," I said, preparing myself. Brian scooted closer to me and brushed my hair out of my face "What is it, babe?" 

I sighed, "So.. you know that contest Megan made me enter for the trip to go to California to explore with Sam and Colby?" Brain nodded "Oh yeah wasn't a fan suppose to win a trip to the Queen Mary or some shit like that?" I laughed, "Ha yeah. So... I actually won." 

Brian laid back a little bit and smiled "Oh wow no way? didn't you only spend like $15 to enter?" I snickered "$12 and yeah I can't believe it either. Megan is super excited." I said as I looked down and scratched the side of my arm. 

"So what's the matter?" Brian asked, "Do you think you won't be able to get off work or something? When is it?" I shook my head "I'm pretty sure I can get off work, but... the trip is next week.. the 8th to the 12th." 

My eyes met Brian's and his face changed. "Anna," he said softly "You're not going are you?" He asked with a sad look in his eyes. 

Damn it. 

I sighed and looked down again. "See that's the thing, I really want to go. Mostly for Megan. it would mean the world to her." I heard Brian sigh "It's our 5th anniversary Anna, are you fucking serious?" 

I looked up at him and he looked angry now. I was worried he would be. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "I know I know," I said trying to keep my voice steady "I know you probably have all these plans already but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Brian. You know how much I love the paranormal. And I just really want to do this for Megan. You know how much she loves them." 

Brian just sat there biting his bottom lip, shaking his head. "Please Brian," I whispered grabbing his hand. He looked at me now, just studying me. probably wondering why I'm even considering going. honestly, I don't know why I am either. but I really would like to go. We can celebrate our anniversary any day.

Brian stood up now and walked past me, down the hallway, slamming the bathroom door. I let my tears go now as I buried my face in the blanket. I knew he wouldn't want me to go. How am I supposed to tell Megan? 


I laid in bed that night with Brian next to me facing the wall. He's pissed, I know it. I sighed and grabbed my phone. it was 11:45 PM. I went to my texts and to Megan's name:

Me: Hey. I talked to Brian, he didn't say much. So I don't know. We will talk more tomorrow.

Megan started typing right away way. I knew she'd still be up. 

Megan: Okay... Did you tell him how much it means to me? We have to know if we're going by tomorrow otherwise the second winner gets to go. Please tell him it would mean the world to me.

Me: Yes, I told him. I will talk to him more tomorrow. night. 

Megan: Okay, thank you. Night Ann. 

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