Chapter 49 - The Villa

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"You wanna go out for dinner tonight? I was thinking Mexican," I said to Megan as I flipped down next to her on the couch.

I was having a terrible, stressful, day and the only thing that would make me feel better is Mexican food.

I haven't talked to Colby since we talked on the phone earlier. He me sent me a few messages which I read but he told me he understands how I'm feeling and understands if I need some time.

I just wish I hadn't watched that live stream, but at the same time I'll glad I did because now I see what kind of relationship he has with Stas.

I still just don't know how to feel.

"Uhm yes is that even a questions?" Megan said as she stood up from the couch. I laughed to myself as I stood up now too, it looked like she was ready to go now.


We got to The Villa and got seated at a little table in the middle of the room. We ordered chips and salsa and some queso dip right away.

"So have you and Brian figured out where you wanna get married yet?" Megan asked with a mouth full of chips and cheese.

I glanced up at her and shrugged. "Not really, I guess I haven't thought about it much."

Megans eyes widened, "wait seriously? I'm surprised, I'd already be planning everything."

I shrugged again, "yeah we have a lot of time so I haven't thought about it I guess."

"Hm," Megan said as she ate a few more chips.

The waiter showed up again and we went ahead and ordered. I ordered some carna asada tacos and Megan got enchiladas.

We talked a little more about Megan's ideas for my wedding and where she'd want to get married some day as we waited for our food.

"Yeah, honestly my dream wedding would be on the beach in California," Megan said as she smiled to her self. I smiled too. I could definitely see her having a wedding like that.

Finally our food came and I felt happier than I'd felt all day. It's crazy that food can do that to you.

Who needs boys when you have good food.

We were eating for a while and I kept noticing Megan rubbing her forehead.

"You okay?" I asked as I took a bite of my taco.

"I don't know I've had this massive headache all day and it's getting worse. Do you have any aspirin or anything?" Megan asked.

I nodded, "yeah I should have some in my purse," I said as I nodded to my purse on the chair next to me.

"Thanks," Megan said as she reached for it and started digging around.

I took a sip as of my Pepsi and went to grab a couple more chips when the look on Megan's face  changed. She looked up at me and then lifted something out of my purse.

I froze in that moment. I probably looked like a deer in headlights as looked at Colby's cross necklace hanging from her fingers.

Not gonna lie, I totally forgot that was there.

"What's this? Is this..?" She looked back and forth between me and the necklace. I didn't know what to do or say. I just stared at her and swallowed slowly.

"Is this Colby's necklace?" She asked now.

I nodded slowly without hesitation. I couldn't think of anything else to say. I cleared my throat a bit. "Uh, yeah it is."

The look on Megan's face turned from confusion to complete anger.

"Why the fuck do you have Colby's necklace?" She asked as she ran her fingers over the cross. I had to think fast now. I couldn't tell her he gave it me in Cincinnati. Shit.

I cleared my throat again, "So, he gave that to me after everything that happened at Queen Mary. With the demon that was trying to attach itself to me and stuff. He wanted me to have it, for protection."

It was silent for along time. Megan just stared at me.

"Seriously?" She said finally. I nodded.

She huffed a bit, "Wow. Why didn't you tell me? And it really doesn't make sense to me that he would just give you his cross necklace. This thing means everything to him."

I was starting to get irritated now. I held my hands up, "I don't know Megan he just gave it to me okay. What do you want me to do with it? I wasn't gonna just get rid of it. Do you want it? Take it if you want it."

I could feel myself shaking as I talked.

Megan sighed loudly and dropped the necklace back into my purse as she started feeling around again for the aspirin.

"No it's fine I don't want it. I just think it's weird you didn't tell me. I would freak out if he gave me his necklace. I don't know. I feel like he liked you Anna, like a lot. So just knowing he gave you his necklace doesn't sit right with me." Megan said as she finally found the aspirin, took 2 out and swallowed them dry.

I bit the inside of cheek as I watched her. I didn't know what to say back. Because it was true. Colby does have feelings for me. And I have feelings for him.

We love each other actually. Even after everything with Stas, I know I still love him.

I sighed and picked up my fork and started playing with the food on my plate.

It was quiet the rest of dinner and the whole way home. We didn't say anything to each other.

I felt tears in my eyes as I drove us home, this was all getting to be too much. I don't know how much longer I could keep up with it all.

Part of me was aching for Colby but part of me was telling me it would never work.

Megan went straight to her room and slammed  the door behind her. I flinched at the sound and made my way to my room too.

She was so pissed, so upset. I understand why too. She was never suppose to know that Colby gave me his necklace. I sighed as I laid down in my bed and opened my phone. I had a few snaps from Colby.

Hey I know you need some time but I just miss talking to you. I hope you're doing okay

I love you Anna

I opened the picture he sent me next.

I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at the picture of him

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I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at the picture of him.

Why did he have to be so beautiful.

I sighed as I exited out of Snapchat and set my phone on the night stand next to me. I threw on my pajamas and got comfortable under the covers.

It was early still but I needed my brain to shut off for the night. I closed my eyes and I was out almost instantly.

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