Chapter 34 - The Call

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I quickly hit the button on the side of my phone to stop it from buzzing.

I was panicking, why was Colby calling me? Should I answer? Should I go into my room to answer or go outside? 

So many thoughts were running through my brain in a matter of seconds, but I knew that I didn't want him to feel like I was ignoring him again.

I stood up quickly and held my phone close to my chest.

"Uhm, Lauren from work is calling me, I'll be right back." I said as I made my way to the front door.

Lauren was a co-worker of mine and it wasn't unusual for me to answer a call from her. We hangout outside of work a lot and text and talk on the phone every now and then.

"Oh okay," Brian said without hesitation as he turned back to Megan who was explaining more about her and Sam's investigation at the Queen Mary.

I slipped my shoes on quick and I was out the door. I swiped over on my phone, answering it and quickly made my way down the steps and to the sidewalk.

"Colby?" I said quietly as I walked down the sidewalk.

It was quiet for a second but then I heard his voice.

"Anna, hey." I felt shivers up and down my entire body. It felt like forever since I heard him talking to me, saying my name to me.

"Colby, what the hell?" I said now in a little louder voice since I was farther from my house.
"You can't just call me out of the blue."

I said this in almost a laugh but I was trying to be serious because what he did was really risky.

It was quiet again until I heard him breathe out slowly.

"I'm so sorry Anna, I just - I finished watching the Queen Mary video and watching it all the way through... seeing you... I just miss you so much."

I stopped walking now. Colby's voice was rough, he sounded like he was trying not to cry. I gripped my chest right above my heart, I could literally feel it aching.

Hearing him say those words, made me realize how much I really miss him too. More than I ever have since I watched him leave the airport a week ago.

I felt a tear fall from my eyes as I made my way over to a tree by the sidewalk. I took the phone away from my ear and gripped it in both my hands as I slid down the side of the tree.

I hugged my knees when I got to the bottom and rested my head on my knees.

It was taking everything in me not to start sobbing right there.

I brought my phone back to my ear, "I miss you so fucking much Colby."

I heard Colby exhale loudly now, "Well shit." He said.

I smiled a bit and leaned my head back against the tree.

I waited for him to continue as I pulled at the gross beneath me.

"How are you doing Anna? How are things?" Colby asked.

I thought about his question longer than I probably needed to, but I really didn't know how I was.

I shrugged to myself, "Fine I guess. Same old stuff at work everyday. Things are... fine with Brian and I."

"Congrats again on the engagement," Colby said. "Are you excited?"

I felt tears in my eyes again as I breathed out heavily. "Yeah, I mean I don't know. Things have just been weird since I got back. Things don't... feel the same."

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