Cas- Stand up for you

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"You're late."

A gruff voice spat, not bothering to take into account the fact that the three costumers in the diner were having a conversation at their booth and he was quite rudely causing them a distraction. That was the least of my worries at the moment however. Reeves was pissed, and he didn't give a shit about the costumers, not when he could yell at someone. That seemed to be a favorite pass time of him. Bitching at me in particular.

"I know. My car wouldn't start, so I had to walk. I tried calling but no one picked up," I explained calmly.

The wrinkles along Reeve's forehead became ravines as his frown deepened. "You tryin' to pin this on me? You should have had your shit together. This is the second time this week you've been late," He snapped.

I took a deep breath in order to keep my composure. "Mr. Reeves, I was only late last time because I held the door open for the elderly woman who had a walker. I explained that already after punching in only two minutes later than my scheduled shift,"

"Late is Late Y/N I thought I made that clear! I wont tolerate lack of discipline or attitude," Reeves stubbornly continued to screech obnoxiously.

"One would figure you would be happy that I provided that service for an elderly costumer. And I am not the one with attitude here, as it seems your volume and demeanor is making our costumers uncomfortable. This is not the place to be making a scene. If you want to yell at me, you can at least not do it in front of people who are simply attempting to enjoy a nice morning," I said simply, gesturing to the three men who were watching not so subtly.

"That's the last fucking straw you hear me Y/N? Get out. You're done!" He snarled. At least he had the common decency to lower his voice slightly while firing me... But I needed this stupid job as awful as it was.

"Mr.Reeves you can't-" I started, but he cut me off.


"You can't do that!" My heart had begun to beat a little faster, and it was my turn to raise my voice slightly. "I need the money, and you know I'm a good worker,"

"This is my joint, I can do as I damn-"

Mr. Reeves was cut off by a gruff voice clearing his throat. "If I may intervene,"

The both of us turned and I noticed one of the men from the table had stepped forward. The three of them were up on their feet by now, however it was this...Well...For lack of a better word, absolutely gorgeous blue eyed angel who was addressing us.

"Y/N, was it?" The man continued, looking towards me.

I stood there like an idiot for a solid five seconds before my brain comprehended the fact I should probably respond. I gave a quick nod "Yea that-that's me,"

A soft beautiful smile graced the mans lips at my answer, but it was gone and replaced with a hard expression upon facing my boss. "Y/N seems to me like a very loyal and trustworthy employee according to what my friends and I have just witnessed," The man gestured behind us and the other two gentlemen offered tight smiles and expressions that seemed to agree.

"Yea dude, kinda would way rather be served at a place owned by someone like Y/N rather than you," The shorter of the other two chimed in and gave a little shrug and very sarcastic apologetic grin to Reeves.

Mr. Reeves gaped, and it was clear he was at a loss. Finally he shut his mouth and nodded once, seeming to accept his defeat in a rare course of action. "Right...Carry on then," he mumbled to me and retreated to the back.

I snorted softly and clapped a hand over my mouth before turning to the three costumers who'd come to my aid.

"That was awesome," I breathed. "Thank you for that. He's constantly on my ass, I think he just hates me for some reason. I mean don't get me wrong he's awful to the other employees too but it's something about me that amplifies it,"

"Well we weren't about to sit and watch him treat you unfairly," The tall one with shaggy hair spoke.

"Sammy shut up you didn't even say anything, that was all Cas. And me of course," The other teased, and Sammy rolled his eyes a little.

I smiled and faced the gorgeous man who I now knew as Cas. "Cas huh? Well it's nice to properly meet you. And your friends too," I added.

Cas smiled once again and my insides turned to absolute mush. "This is Dean, and Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, although I do wish it were under better circumstances. I am sorry that your boss treats you this way," he continued, eyes soft with empathy.

"It's not your fault," I promised. "How are you boy's doing anyway? Did you need more food? Drinks? Desert?" I offered, then realized I still hadn't settled in and put away my stuff yet. "Ah...Right, hold on one sec, I'll be right out apron on and ready to go in a minute, you three make yourselves comfortable," I smiled and ducked into the back.

I reemerged once I was situated and went back over to their table to find them seated once again and chatting quietly. Cas noticed my return first and straightened.

"Are you alright? He did not give you more trouble did he?"

My heart melted at that. Not only was this man gorgeous, he was one of the kindest people I'd ever met, and I'd only known him for ten minutes tops.

"No, he's hiding in his office I'm sure," I confirmed. "Thank you though...For asking. And for...Helping. A-Again," I felt myself blush at the word vomit that I spewed and cleared my throat to collect myself. "So! Food! Have you guy's decided on anything?" And if that wasn't the most awkward segue to top it off.

Dean chuckled a bit and met my gaze. "I'll do the meat lovers omelet with hashbrowns and black coffee," He requested. "Sammy'll take the spinach feta quiche, and Cas here's good with water,"

"Coming right up!" I declared before hustling back to put their order in. As I continued working and more costumers trickled in, I found myself continuing to look back at the table with the three men, wishing for some excuse to go back over. When their food was ready I brought it out to them and looked to Cas curiously.

"You sure you're ok with just water?" I asked him, mostly for the reason to speak with him.

"I assure you I am quite alright, but thank you," He spoke and smiled at me once again. I smiled back and nodded, loosing myself in those beautiful blue eyes of his for a moment.

Unfortunately I had to continue my work, otherwise I would have been more than happy to stay with them, particularly Cas, but duty called. I was about to take my leave when Dean spoke up.

"You don't happen to be free tonight do you? Because we're gonna be in town for a couple days and well...Cas here won't stop staring at you when he thinks you're not looking. And he's completely open tonight matter of fact,"

Poor Cas stared at Dean with wide eyes, looking like a deer in headlights and Sam choked on a bite of his food. "Dude did you just hit on Y/N for Cas?" He asked incredulously.

Dean shrugged. "Someone had to do it!"

I laughed, my heart speeding up, but I was thrilled to know the connection to him that I felt hadn't been one sided. "I get outta here at four so anytime after that works perfect for me. If...You'd like that Cas," I spoke softly.

Cas' head turned and we met eyes once again. He swallowed thickly. "I-...Yes. I think I would enjoy that very much," he mumbled.

"Then it's a date," I beamed.

"It's a date." 

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