5~-Friends! Fun! -~5

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I wake up to the sound of my parents screaming at each other, could they be any louder? I get up and don't even bother to go down to the kitchen to eat because my dad would yell at me. I walk to my bathroom to use the toilet and do something to my hair.

ding ding

my phone gets a few texts from the group chat.

Tommy: does anyone want to do something today I'm bored as fuck
Tubbo: what are we going to do?
Wilbur: pool?
Ranboo: no
Tubbo: why no?
Ranboo: idk
Wilbur: it was a bad idea, bowling? or roller skating?
Tommy: roller skating is for big men so mark can't go, also he didn't want the pool
Ranboo: oh.
techno: He's allowed to go, Tommy, even if he doesn't want to go to a pool. I'll pick you guys up in an hour.
Tommy: he shouldn't go
Ranboo: I won't then
Wilbur: he's going, Tommy
Tommy: bitches
Tubbo: Pick me up first!
Techno: I'll pick up Will first, You, Tommy, then Mark cause he's closer to the place.
Tubbo: okey


I have to get ready that means, damn it.

The fighting downstairs seems to have completely gone away so I walk downstairs into the kitchen, I open the fridge just to see it filled with beer and barely anything good to eat. I mean... there is the monster that my mom drinks but I can't run on an energy drink, screw it.

I grab two of the cans a white one and a blue one and set them on the counter. maybe something in the cabinets? I check but there is not except stale cereal.

"Why the fuck are you getting food fat ass?" my dad says violently coming from the dining room. "oh, I uh, I was, was getting something cause I didn't,uhm, eat yesterday," I say backing up a bit.

"keep it that way," he says annoyed. "I can't do that dad?", "why the fuck did you say to me boy?" he says getting closer. "no-nothing". 

"yeah you did," he says smiling and grabs my neck pushing me against the wall. "fucking respect me or things will get a lot worse."  he walks out of the house getting in his car and driving off, while I'm left on the ground gasping for air and crying.

I grab the cans and go back upstairs into my bathroom to finish my hair and get dressed. I put on a black long sleeve with a baggy white tee-shirt and some black and white plaid pants.

after putting water in my hair and brushing it I set the brush right next to my blade, eh. one or two won't hurt. I chug one of the cans of monster and grab the blade.

I did about two but today I was feeling a bit risky so I went deeper than normal. it felt nice but it hurt more than the others, still nice though.

I grab a tissue to wipe the blood off and I'm about to throw the tissue in the trash when... "mark!!" tubbo came up running to me and hugging me.

~-~-~Techno Pov~-~-~

"Mark!!" Tubbo says running up to him who was about to throw something out. I fucking told that little shit not to just run in his room like that.  what is he even holding, oh? I look at Will to see if he knows what he's holding, he looks back at me.

"Everyone ready?" I ask.  "I just need to brush my teeth, you can go in the living room or wait in my room if you want," Mark says

"we'll go in the living room," Will says.  "just don't go in the kitchen," Mark says and we all go downstairs.

"I'm going in the kitchen." I say walking over to the way the kitchen is. "don't, he said not to" will states. "eh" I say and walk in. what the fuckkk.

"uh will?" "What Techno?" he walks next to me in the kitchen and looks at all the glass on the floor. I kneel and pick up one of the pieces. "this glass is thick, whoever threw this was not playing around." I throw the piece of glass back on the floor and walk back next to Will.

we both walk to the living room where Tubbo and Tommy are playing a game together on their phones. Will and I sit on a different couch and I whisper to him "do you think his dad-?" he slowly nods yes, "so I guess we found out the cause of the problem?" I ask.

"no, I think there is more." he stops for a second. "unfortunately I think there are multiple things that are building up, and I hate to say this but.." he sighs and speaks a little louder "he's not going to be able to handle it anymore so, we have to do something."

I think both the boys sitting on the couch heard the last part because they both looked up at us and back at each other. "Who? what?" Tubbo says as Mark walks down the stairs putting on a medium backpack. "it's nothing tubbo don't worry" I smile and we all get in my car.


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