41~-Calm Down-~41

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I love this chapter for no reason, I enjoyed writing it

"Come on... Ranboo pick up!" Wilbur said calling Ranboo on discord for the 4th time.

Wilbur, Techno, Tubbo, Phil and Ranboo were all supposed to do a podcast thing today. They had it planned for a week.

Finally after the 20th time of calling Ranboo and 30 minutes later he picked up.

"What?" He sounded like he just woke up or was drunk.

"We are supposed to record our podcast thingy today," Wilbur said.

"Huh..." Ranboo clicked a few times on his mouse opening new tabs, "shit. So about that, I forgot."

"It's fine, just turn your camera on and we'll start." Techno said slightly annoyed.

Techno's mindset was set at if Ranboo wanted to go down the same path as his dad, he will let him. Just as long as Ranboo doesn't fuck up anything he does or his friend's things.

"One sec," Ranboo said and ran to his closet to get a decent hoodie on. He ran to the bathroom to fix his hair. Then he ran to his desk and turned his camera on before realizing a bunch of beer bottles on his desk, he quickly set them off the desk as his camera turned on.

"Ranboo." Techno sighed before raising his voice, "Are you fucking hungover?!"

"Technoblade," Phil said as he joined the call right in time.

"What did I say! I'm not gonna let Ranboo fuck up all our plans because he chooses to be some fucked up alcoholic at 16! It's his choice for fucks sake! And we've talked about this for days, if he wanted to be included maybe he should have planned to not drink yesterday and be a decent person."

"Technoblade, what did we talk about. Do you want all of us to come over to my house because you can't understand other peoples problems? Not everyone has a good life like you Techno. You have everything he doesn't, good parents, A lot of friends, and way more." Phil said in a stern tone.

"Yeah, okay. I might have that and he doesn't but he doesn't need to take it out on us!"

The argument went on and on for what felt like forever for Ranboo but it only was five minutes. It was too much, too much how his parents used to fight.

The call became quiet when everyone heard sniffling.

Then a shatter.

and harder crying.

On Ranboo's camera, it looked like a bottle knocked over onto Ranboo's hand and cut him up. It was clear he was having a panic attack. His chest was showing he was breathing faster than normal, his nose turned red how it usually does when he has a panic attack, you could see he was shaking.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur said.

"Sorry!" Ranboo whispered and left the call.

"Techno what the fuck!" Tommy yelled.

Techno forgot it wasn't just Him, Phil, Wil, and Ranboo in the call.

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora