47~- Happier -~47

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guys.... my crush.... me.... dating..... what?!?

"The hell you skipping school for?!?" Ranboo's dad came into his room violently, and with violent intentions.

"Wha-?" Ranboo said just waking up. He pushed the covers from over his head revealing his messy hair, it was in his face, mouth, everywhere.

"Your fucking sleeping in! You supposed to be in god damn school!?" He said, his voice getting louder and louder.

Ranboo just didn't feel like going to school anymore, he felt like just lying on the ground and dying.

"Oh, uhm." He said trying to think of an excuse.

"This is why your mom left your dumbass! Why do you have all those bruises! Why nobody at the god damn school likes you, they probably wouldn't have even known you existed if it weren't for Spencer. You should be more like him.!"

Spencer was good looking, talks to a lot of people have a lot of friends, and had everything Ranboo can't be that his dad wants.

"I-, Dad, I'm sorry." Ranboo's eyes started to blur. Mentioning how his mom left always made Ranboo sad.

"You better fucking be!" His dad screams, "Your lucky I don't beat your ass." and he slams the door and the shelf that has fallen way too many times, falls again.

Ranboo just falls back into his bed and pulls the covers over his head, he'll deal with it later...



Ranboo you weren't at
school today Tubbo told

Is it okay if we come over?
Tubbo said he wanted to
see you.
[3:48 PM]

I don't feel that great

Maybe another time.
[3:49 PM]

[3:49 PM]

I'm just really tired, Phil.
[3:50 PM]

Get some rest bud, once
you wake up we'll be over.
[3:51 PM]

[3:51 PM]

Ranboo didn't want them to come over for a few reasons.

Yes, he was tired. But not sleepy kind of tired. Tired of.. life I guess. Tired of waking up and getting told that he should die by the kids at school or his dad.

He also didn't want them over because he knew his dad was in a bad mood. Any wrong thing would set his dad over the edge.

He also didn't want them over because he had plans... he told them he would take a nap and they shouldn't come. He told his mind he would take a trip to his bathroom and maybe not come out.

Ranboo heard his dad in the kitchen and smelt some food getting made so he made his way downstairs.

"Whatcha making?" Ranboo said walking into the kitchen.

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now