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yes, be who you are my little fruits baskets 🥺🥺🥺
(So so sorry for that)

Phil talked with Wilbur and told him the hanging out every day is a little too much. He knew that Ranboo was tired out because of how he acted a few days ago.

At first, Wilbur disagreed, but Phil talked him into not making them hang out every single day.

Ranboo every day after school went to Niki's cafe to study, hang out or do homework.

Ranboo also wanted to go to the cafe after school because his dad... he got home earlier, angrier and bitchier.


"Mom, please! I don't wanna go to the fucking place!" Tubbo said with tears in his eyes and standing in the living room with his parents.

"Toby, you need to go to this school." His dad said.

"Because I'm 'smart'? I heard you talking shit about Tommy. He's a nice guy, he cares for everyone even if it doesn't seem like it, He's fun to hang around, he makes the fun of the most boring things, and he's always down to do anything."

"Yes, I'm sure he is but... you can't hang around people like him." Tubbo's mom says.

"Why," Tubbo says angrily with tears running down his face.

"He believes in something wrong. We can't have you around that." His mom says crossing her arms. "Right?" she says turning to Tubbo's dad who gave a hesitant nod.

"No your wrong, it doesn't matter what he likes? What if I liked a guy..." Tubbo paused, "What would you do?"

"Kick you out," His mom says.

"How come you haven't kicked me out yet! I'm literally trans!"

"That's different, Toby. You didn't even tell us until you cut your hair and started taking that stuff that you made that guy with pink hair get you."

"You got me a binder though- being trans is part of the lgbtq+, mom."

"I'm not up for this discussion anymore." His mom said, got up and walked upstairs.

Tubbo got up from the couch and turned to look at his dad.

"Wha- never mind," Tubbo said, walked out of the living room and grabbed his bag that was sitting next to the front door.


He always has a bag packed room to go to Phil's house. He never knew if his parents might kick him out.

It had clothes, charger, snacks, drink, deodorant, and more, the important stuff y'know.

Phil never knew why Tubbo felt so comfortable at his house but he got used to it eventually. He'd make sure there was food Tubbo liked, the guest bedroom's bathroom had shower stuff in it and Extra clothes that fit Tubbo.

Tubbo ran to Phil's house and opened the door.

"Hello?" Tubbo said walking in.

"Tubbo?" Kristen called out peeking her head around the kitchen. "Oh hey, Tubbo!" her face got a little more serious after seeing Tubbo with tears running down his face and all his stuff in his backpack and hands.

"Phil! Honey, Tubbo's here." She said coming up to Tubbo and holding him in her arms comforting him.

Phil came downstairs.

"Tubbo, what happened? Sit." Phil said leaning on the other side of the kitchen island.

Tubbo collected himself and sat at the kitchen island. Kristen continued making whatever she was making before and Phill grabbed a cup of juice for Tubbo and himself.

"What happened? Why do you have all your stuff?" Phil asked setting the two cups on the table.

"I think I'm getting kicked out of my parent's house.." Tubbo said then grabbed his cup of juice.

"What? Why, did you do something bad?'

"Not exactly.." Tubbo's voice turned into a mumble after that saying a few more words.

"What?" Phil says taking a sip of juice.

"Nothing... Can Techno come over? He uh has something I uhm need, yeah." Tubbo says.

"Yeah sure, I could call him right now," Phil says getting his phone out and calling Techno asking for him to come over and that Tubbo says he has something that Tubbo needs.


A few minutes pass and Techno comes through the door. He walks over to the kitchen table where Phil, Tubbo and Kristen are all hanging out and takes a seat.

Everyone greets Techno and they hang out for a while.

"Hey, Tubbo," Techno whispers, "I brought your T, did you tell them?" Techno says still whispering.

"Uhm, actually no. But you can!" Tubbo says standing up.

"You can tell them Techno," He says not whispering anymore and smiling. "I'm going to uhm, sleep" He puts his thumb up, grabs the bag Techno brought and sprints upstairs.

"Is he okay?" Kristen says laughing a bit.

"I hope," Phil says, "What did he want you to tell us?"

Techno pauses.

He explains how Tubbo accidentally came out to him before he met everyone else so he helped Tubbo getting binders and the stuff he needed.

Phil and Kristen were both understanding, a little excited even. They were happy Tubbo came out to them... maybe not face to face but it was good enough for them.

Be who you are! yuh

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