26~-A little To Easy-~26

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Ranboo runs downstairs and into the kitchen for a drink, he grabs a glass cup from the counter and puts tap water into it. He takes a sip and sets it on the counter so he can look in the fridge to see if there is anything to eat, his hand knocks the cup off the counter and the glass, and liquid spread across the kitchen floor.

"What the fuck are you doing Mark!" His dad yells and comes into the kitchen, with each step making Ranboo more nervous.

"I'm am so- so sorry, I didn't mean to-and- and," Ranboo said quickly gett down and picking up the glass.

"Yeah, fucking pick up the mess you made." Ranboo's dad said leaning on the wall watching ranboo pick it up, "Make sure you get every piece."

Ranboo got every piece and he made sure of it. He stood up to get a towel to wipe up the water but his dad shoved him to the ground. The glass fell out of his hands and onto the floor first, then Ranboo came down with his hands trying to catch the fall but only getting cut up by the glass.

"Oopsie-" Ranboos dad said with a little giggle, "make sure you pick it all up." he smiled and went back to watching his dumb show.


"So what happened?"

"I dropped a cup and- It broke but- he got really mad..."

"I'd be mad too, you probably got glass all over the floor"

"Yeah... I guess... So why'd you want me here, Dream?" Ranboo said looking at the entrance of the mall.

"I wanted to apologize," Dream said. Dream and Ranboo started walking into the mall "The things I said and did were really bad and I feel really bad about it. Sapnap said what I said was really bad and that I should apologize, maybe we could be cool again?"

Ranboo stopped walking and looked around at the shops around him to think. Dream didn't do that much to him.....right? and it wasn't even that bad....right? Ranboo's just dramatic like Tommy said.....Right?

"Uhm- yeah, I guess," Ranboo said beginning to walk again.

"Great! Well shop for a bit and I'll pay then I'll take you home, mkay"

They went to a few shops and found a few things in some of them. They went to the food court to grab food so they don't drop.

They went to a few more shops and ended up in Bath And Body Works smelling lotions.

"Mmmmm this smells like my ex...." Dream said smelling a purple bottle of lotion.

"Is that a good thing...?"


"oh, well... uhm"

Ranboo grabbed a bottle of lotion you squeeze the lotion out. He tried squeezing some onto his hands to smell it but the lotion wouldn't come out so he tried squeezing it a little bit harder, the lotion came out of the bottle but it all landed on the floor.

"oh no- uhm, Dream..."

Dream looked over at the lotion all over the floor "Ranboo! What the hell did you do!"

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now