31~-Daddy's Boy-~31

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"No wonder nobody likes you, you can't even make a good argument." Tubbo sighs.

"Leave." Ranboo said calmly but Tubbo just stood there.

"Fuck off!" Ranboo shouted and pushed Tubbo to the ground. As Tubbo fell to the floor Ranboo tried to grab his arms so he wouldn't fall but he missed.

"Your acting like your dad! You're exactly like him." Tubbo said on the ground leaving Ranboo stood there frozen and looking down at Tubbo with tears running down his face.

"What the hell happened!?" Techno said running upstairs with Phil behind him a few seconds later.

"We heard yelling and then a bang?!"

"oh.." They both said.

Phil went up to ranboo and asked him quietly "Do you wanna go in another room?"

Ranboo nodded.

"Alone or with me?"

"Alone" Ranboo mumbled and walked into one of the guest bedrooms.

"What the hell happened?!" Techno asked helping Tubbo up.

"He was yelling at me and then he pushed me!"

"We heard you yelling aswell,"

"Well, we both were yelling and then he pushed me!"

"Did he have a reason to push you?" Phil asked.

"It's because he's like his dad, they are the same person."

"Tubbo, that's not true." Phil sighs, "He probably didn't mean to even push you."

"He meant it."

"Well, It's what he see's and it's what he's known for a long time, kinda how you play music good. You got that habit from your parents." Phil tried to explain.

"Yeah whatever.."

"Somethings up with you, Tubbo." Techno stepped in "You yelled at Ranboo, You stopped willingly hanging out with Tommy, and you're kinda being a bitch if i'm being honest."

Tubbo just sighed "I'm good, I don't know what you mean."

"I'm not so sure about that." Techno said.

"I have homework" Tubbo whined,

"Is that why your acting weird?"

"Maybe, I'm gonna go work on it." Tubbo said then ran off to the living room and started doing his homework on the floor.

Phil and Techno walked up to the room they thought Ranboo went in. Techno gently opened the door and walked in.

"Uhhh..." Techno looked back at Phil who was confused.

"Did he go in a different room?" Techno asked Phil.

Phil peaked into the room and gave a surprised look. It's not like he could hide in the room, there's nowhere he could.

"Ranboo?" Techno said leaving the room and looking into the second guest bedroom.

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