35~-Sleepy Boi-~35

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"Fuckk," Ranboo groaned turning in bed and pulling his 3rd blanket onto him. It had gotten colder outside but not cold enough to need 3 blankets.

He was so cold....

so fucking cold all the time.

He'd been going to school very early, Hanging out with everyone after school everyday, streaming, and having to deal with his dad.

It's Saturday so no school, no dad because he goes out on Saturday, and not having to socialize for hours on end.

Wilbur's thinking was if they hung out it would stop Ranboo from hurting himself, It would maybe make him think that he's loved and wanted, but that's not what happened.

He felt wore out.

It was to much.

He just needed a break.

His phone buzzed making Ranboo sigh in annoyance. He looked at the notifications that he got.

32 Texts.
56 Twitter.
35 Tiktok.
21 Twitch.
128 Discord.
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It was all just to much. He turned his ringer off, his do not disturb on and just put his phone under his pillow and got cozy in his bed.


"I texted him a few times, he hasn't answered."  Wilbur says.

"Give him a second, he's probably a little sick of us since we've been hanging out this whole week." Phil says with a little giggle.

A few minutes passed of Wilbur, Phil, Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo waiting and they didn't get a response.

"I think we should just go to his house," Techno said getting up.

Phil was about to disagree but Techno cut him off, "Last time he didn't answer... was uhm, not great. So let's just be safe."

They all got up and got into their cars. Phil drove Tommy and Wilbur while Techno drove Tubbo to Ranboo's house.

They all parked outside his house and knocked on his door.

no answer.

All their hearts dropped and then looked at each other with a scared look.

"Is it locked?" Wilbur asked.

"Obviously," Techno said, "Otherwise Tubbo would have busted in."

Wilbur pulled out a key and opened the door.

"How-?" Phil said.

"Ranboo gave me and extra key, y'know, in case."

They all ran up to Ranboo's room and busted in waking up Ranboo.

Ranboo jumped up and put his arms in front of his face like he was blocking a punch. His hair was all messy and it looked like he hadn't slept in days yet he slept all day.

"It's just us" Wilbur said calmly.

Ranboo put his hands down and wiped his eyes. "Huh?"

Their voice sounded extremely deep.

"You didn't answer your texts," Phil said sitting on the end of Ranboo's bed.

"Wha?" Ranboo said pushing the hair out of their face and not understanding a word that was coming out of anyone's mouth.

"We'll give you a few seconds to wake up." Phil laughed a little.

Ranboo layed back down and put the blankets back on himself. "5 more minutes..." he groaned and closed his eyes.

They all hung out in Ranboo's room and decided to let him sleep. Phil sat on Ranboo's bed rubbing his back, Wilbur sitting criss cross apple sauce at Ranboo's desk, Techno sitting in some Random chair Ranboo brought in their room the last time they all hung out at his house and Tommy and Tubbo laying on the floor comfortably.

They all talked quietly not waking up Ranboo for twenty minutes till Wilbur got an idea. He got up and quietly made his way to Ranboo's bathroom. Techno followed him not knowing what he was doing. Wilbur opened one of his counter drawers and started looking threw it.

Techno pulled Wilburs hand out and said "What the hell?!?" He shut the drawer. "You can't look through his stuff!?"

"Listen," Wilbur started to explain "I'm gonna find his blades and take the away, it's getting worse and I hate how we're not doing anything about it."

Techno hesitated but agreed.

Wilbur found them in the top right drawer right at the top and put it in his pocket.

As they opened the bathroom door and walked back into the room Techno asked "What if he just buys more?"

"We'll just take them again, if we keep on taking them he'll get pissed off and stop buying them."


After thirty minutes of them talking and being on their phone Ranboo sat up, wiped his eyes, and looked around. "What the-? When did you guys get here....."

"like an hour ago" Techno says.

"Oh," Ranboo pushed his hair out his eyes while apologizing.

"Ranboo, it's fine, really." Wilbur said and smiled.

"Yeah, but we were supposed to have a picnic at a skatepark, now we can't cause I slept in and we won't get there on time..."

"We can plan another day, it's fine." Phil said. "I think you needed the sleep anyways"

Ranboo looked around and his eyes met with Tubbo and Tommy sleeping on the floor, "I think they did too."


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