28~-Have Fun!-~28

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Tommy walked into the cafe and looked for where Wilbur was sitting. He was sitting in the same spot as always with Techno, Tubbo and of course Ranboo.

"Tommy?!" Tubbo said getting up from the lunch table and running up to Tommy to hug him.

"Hey," Tommy said plainly and walked over to the lunch table and sat next to Techno.

"Whoa!" Techno said sitting up and grabbing Tommys face. "What happened!?"

Tommy pushed Techno off and shoved a chicken nugget in his mouth. "I was hanging out with my friends and fell on my skateboard."

"Damn Tommy, how hard did you fall?" Wilbur said and looked at Tommy's outfit.

"Kinda hard I guess, I tried to go high."

"Your outfit?" Wilbur said.

"Hmm?" Tommy said and looked down worried.

"It looks fine don't worry. It's just you usually borrow things from Techno or try to dress like him but you're just wearing a hoodie and sweatpants..?"

"Oh yeah... It's just comfy."

Everyone enjoyed their meal occasionally talking or stealing another person's food to piss them off.

"Phil said he can't come to the school today, I think you can tell he's not here," Wilbur said with food in his mouth.

"Dude, chew your food!" Tubbo said with food also in his mouth.

"You have food in your mouth though!"

Tubbo swallowed his food and said, "No I don't!"

"Anyways- Phil said that since he couldn't see us for lunch today he wants to take us out for dinner, we'd probably go to his house an hour after school to hang out and then go eat," Wilbur said picking up his garbage and throwing it in the garbage can next to him.

They all ate and had nice conversations till the bell rang. Everyone got up at began walking to their classes. Techno left the school while Tubbo and Tommy walked to their class and Wilbur and Ranboo walked together.

Ranboo said bye to Wilbur and continued walking to his class.

"Ayo, watch this." Ranboo heard one of the 'chads' of the school say. But he was sure that he was fine because they were not close to him.

But then he felt himself be pushed to the wall.

"Boo!" The stronger guy said jumping at Ranboo.

Ranboo just looked at them and waited till they were done.

"Are you gonna become a ghost soon?" Another guy said and the 3 other guys made ghost noises.

"I think you'd make a pretty good ghost," The same dude said smiling. "You probably know how, just take a few tiny little pills and boom!"

The guys started laughing and the bell rung making them all go wide-eyed and hurry off to their classes.

Ranboo picked up his water bottle that dropped when the guy pushed him and walked to his class. As soon as he was about to walk into the class he put his head down and hoped that he wouldn't get yelled at for being a minute late.

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now