22~-Tell Me Shit-~22

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After 4 horrible long days of convincing doctors, I didn't try to kill myself because being on earth sucks, I'm finally back home.

Good news: I didn't have to go to the hospital for crazy people.

Bad news: I have to go to school in not even 3 hours.

I can't sleep so I guess I'll just lay here listening to music.

Who makes a kid go back to school after being in the hospital? Fuck this...

And who gives someone pills after they got in the hospital for taking the pills?

They said the pills were for.... you know what, I forgot what they said they were for so I'm not going to take them.


"Mark. GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" My dad says from downstairs.

I just fell asleep what the fuck.

"coming..." I say and get out of my bed then walk downstairs.

"I know you don't have school for another hour but I need you out the house." My dad says.

"Why I'll just be in my room," I say, but apparently that was attitude because the next thing I know I'm on the ground with my dad standing over me and my face hurts like hell.

I didn't even know what he was saying but I agreed because I don't want that bitch to hit me again.

"Now hurry your ass up and get ready," he says and points to the stairs.

I do what he says, get clothes on, do my hair, today I was in a silly goofy mood and stole my mom's black eye makeup stick thing and put it on, I grabbed my blade and put it in my backpack, I brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag, my dad hit me for taking long, And then I finally left the house 15 minutes later.

I went downtown to a skatepark I never been to and skated for a few minutes. I got bored quick.

So... I grabbed my blade and put it in my pocket. I set my bag and skateboard next to a bench and went to the bathroom.

Just a few won't hurt, we'll it will hurt but- that's not the point.

Yep, just a few.

"How the hell am I supposed to clean this up..." I whisper to myself and grab a bunch of toilet paper.

I didn't even realize what I was doing until someone knocked on the door. "You've been in there a long time dude, you good" It sounded familiar...

"uhh yeah, I'm good" My voice sounded shaky.

"Oh alright," The man said and I heard him walk away.

I let out my breath and get more tissue and wipe off the floor. It's good enough, you can't tell.

I go over to the sink, put my arm in, turn the water on and it begins to burn.

"fuck!" I say, but not that loud.

How the hell am I supposed to clean my arm off?? The tissues would just stick to my skin.

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now