52~- Wilburs Final Ending. -~ 52

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I failed.

"I failed at keeping him well, happy and even alive."

"Well," Phil sighed, "I know I shouldn't say this but— he wouldn't have made it either way. He wasn't happy and too much shit happened to him, he wouldn't be able to recover well."

Phil was waiting for a response. After a few seconds Phil continued, "Honestly, you did amazing, Will. He made it this long because of you, he wouldn't have made it this long without you."

Wilbur smiled and got up from the kitchen island where they were having tea and left the house. Phil understood, he needs time. The person under "his care" just killed himself, he can't help but blame himself even if it's not his fault.

A few days later everyone came to spend the night like how they used to, they streamed an irl stream, and just hung out. They told the stream what had happened and why.

"So chat... it's the end of the stream and I think we need to, uhm, address what happened— with Ranboo." Wilbur said and looked around at the rest of the guys who gave a sorrowful expression.

"If you guys wanna leave- or not talk about it, you can." Wilbur said and gave a comforting smile, he knew Tubbo couldn't handle it.

Tubbo broke out into tears and clung onto Phil who led him out the room to calm down.

"So uh," Wilbur looked at the screen and then Techno. "I don't know." His voice began to break out.

He looked at Techno and then the screen again, he read some chat messages.

get to the point
are you okay?!?
take your time <3
We are here for you :)

Most of the messages calmed him down a bit but still— not enough.

"I'll explain on Twitter." He said quickly and abruptly ended stream.

As soon as the stream ended he broke down into a mess of tears, it final hit him hard. Ranboo was gone, he committed suicide, he killed himself. He felt bad enough to kill himself.

"It's gonna be okay.." Techno said and immediately tried to comfort Wil. Techno wasn't one to help comfort and Wil wasn't one to have someone comfort him.

After awhile Tubbo and Phil came downstairs way calmer and Wilbur was still crying, not as bad as before— but still crying.

"I'm fine, it's fine. Let's just watch a movie or something." Wilbur said and walked to the couch.

As the movie played he started writing Twitters explanation.

⚪️Wilbur Soot

Tw's// Suicide, abuse

As you know Ranboo hasn't been very active on social media, on 14/12/2020 around 8pm Ranboo committed suicide, which is why he has not been active. He has been dealing with and abusive household and bullying from kids at school, which led to him committing suicide. We will try to upload and be active still but it will be hard since Ranboo was and is a very close person to us. Please remember to be kind to everyone and that you are loved <3

10:48 pm • 28/12/2020 • Twitter For iPhone
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I don't know how or what to feel, what do you do when someone your supposed to look after kill's themselve?

Ranboo, you were always so good. You lit up the room just by being there no matter your mood, and when you were in a happy mood you were so funny.

It hurt to see you struggle like the with everything, your dad, school, your own fucking friends, and I'm sorry for that.

I'm so sorry I couldn't help you more, I'm sorry I didn't just take you from that fucked up house.

I don't know what to feel. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say except i'm sorry.

Someone who couldn't help enough

-Wilbur/Wilby :)

End of the book! yayyyy! lmk how you like in in the next paragraph of ya want(i take constructive criticism or hate idk??). My next project is a short book on Tommy, then i'm gonna edit this book up because—— holy fuck it's messy.


How did you like it? ö (ex: 2/10, i like [certain part], I don't like [character or anything about the book])


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