34~-You Were Doing So Well-~34

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Tubbo won't tell us what
[5:30 PM]

oh, well I'm sure I was
just overreacting
[5:30 PM]

He does seem a little mad
though, you can just tell me
what happened and I could
see if he's okay.
[5:31 PM]

I didn't tell him everything that happened because I didn't want Tubbo to get in trouble.

I said that he said he didn't like Tommy anymore then he got mad and left.

I do feel a little bad for him if I'm gonna be honest. From what I know he doesn't act like this. There's probably something wrong for him to act like this.

Or maybe he got sick of me.


Ranboo walked into Phil's house and was greeted by Wilbur sitting on the couch.

Ranboo sat next to Wilbur. Wilbur said that Phil, Tommy, Tubbo and Kristen had to go somewhere quick and Techno will be here later on.

"So Ranboo, you doing okay..?"

"Oh yeah," Ranboo said.

"I just wanna see because Tubbo's being bitchy."

"Oh yeah, he's been a little off.."

"Can I check? Y'know I just wanna make sure your okay.." Wilbur says.

"I haven't done it."

"Oh Okay."

"Sorry, Wilbur.."

"It's just you were doing so well." Wilbur paused "But it's okay, take your time. Just let me bandage you."

Wilbur took Ranboo to the bathroom and put bandages on his arms and waited on the couch again.

Honestly, Wilbur was a little scared, it had gotten worse from what he'd seen before.

Tommy, Tubbo, Phil and Kristen all walked inside and were greeted by Wilbur and Ranboo.

Tubbo immediately walked past everyone and went upstairs.

Wilbur looked at him going up the stairs and asked "What's his deal?"

"He got a phone call from his mom then got all mad," Phil said.

Wilbur said he was going to check up on Tubbo and he did.

He went into Tubbo's room while Phil and Kristen made dinner and Ranboo waited for Techno to get here so he could show him something.

Wilbur opened Tubbo's door and found Tubbo curled up in his bed crying.

"Get out please," Tubbo said covering his face with a pillow.

"Can you just tell me what's wrong, please? I won't tell anyone else if you don't want me to."

"It doesn't matter just go,"

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα