17~-Hey, I'm Trying I Swear-~17

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It's been a better week than what Ranboo thought, he ended up having people to hang out with. One person might have been a little rude to him by leaving him out sometimes, making a joke that hurt Ranboos feelings, hurting him physically as well, and giving him weird looks.

Ranboo didn't think it hurt him until once he got home from hanging out with them, because his dad hitting and screaming at him, Dream being a bit bitchy, His mom, teachers telling him "I swear your not trying, Mark. There is no excuse for this."

It really did hurt him.

Well, he wasn't aware that it did quite yet, he needed time to... process it.

Lucky for Ranboo it was Monday! The week went by fast, maybe hanging with George, Sapnap and the others made it go by quicker.

As soon as Ranboo gets out of school he plans to run to Phil's house, then Technos where Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo will be. While Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, and Tubbo were on a trip Ranboo thought Kristen and Phil were on a different trip, he didn't know they knew each other.

School went by faster than usual so as soon as the last bell rung Ranboo was skateboarding to Phil's house.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by Kristen with a hug. He left his skateboard outside and walked inside.

"Ranboo?" A british voice called out that sounded like Tubbo. Ranboo looked back and saw Tubbo and Tommy in the hallway with their bags.

"What about Ranboo? He's not here, is he?" Wilbur called out walking downstairs.

"Ranboo? I thought his name was Mark?" Phil said. and looked at him. "Oh- Yeah- I like Ranboo better. Sorry"

"That's fine!" Kristen said.

"You guys know Ranboo?" Wilbur said coming up to Ranboo and giving him a greeting hug then leaning his arm on Ranboos shoulder.

"Yeah, he was who I was talking about, the kid we saw at the...bridge" Phil said worried. Not only he was at a bridge, but now they knew he was drinking and vaping, crying, and hurting himself. Holy fuck

Phil and Kristen both looked at Wilbur then Ranboo. "I'm gonna go" Ranboo said pointing to the door.

"No stay! Me and Tommy want to play Mario with you!" Tubbo says pointing upstairs "He has a wii we can play!" Ranboo follows them upstairs while Wilbur, Techno, Kristen and Phil have an "Adult Talk".

They talked about what they know he does already like the underage drinking, self harming, and more.

"Does he at least have a nice household?" Kristen asks.

"Well no," Wilbur says "Techno and I think the household is one of the main reasons, but, there is more stuff that is probably piling up."

They talk for a little while longer until all the younger kids come downstairs.

"Ranboo has to go" Tubbo groans. "yay" Tommy says loud enough so only Ranboo can hear it.

Ranboo gives everyone hugs but Tommy and Techno, Tommy went to the bathroom and Techno doesn't like being touched.


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