44~-Please Stop-~44

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He just left me all alone.

He said "Mark, I'm going to my friend's house." and left.

usually, I wouldn't care, but he's been gone for a fucking week.

If he died I wouldn't care honestly. I could have the whole house to myself, not have to go to school and do whatever the hell I want to do.

But the chances are, he's not dead. He used to leave like this when I was 5. Leave for a few weeks then come back as nothing happened.

I should leave one day, but not come back. That'd be pretty funny.

It's also funny how I finished a bottle of vodka in a few days.

That's probably not too good.

There's still another bottle though...

I run downstairs and get the bottle, vodka doesn't have the best taste, but it does have the best after-effects.

Leaning on the counter and drinking vodka wasn't how my younger self would expect me to be doing.

It's not what Techno probably expected to see either when he opened the front door and looked down the hallway.

"Ranboo. What's in the bottle." Wilbur asked me while walking behind Techno towards me.

What's a good substitute? Water!

"Water," I said but I fucked up the word water and it was obvious that I wasn't sober.

I just laughed it off but that probably wasn't the best thing to do because Techno started to raise his voice.

"You're fucking 16! Why the hell are you drinking vodka?!"

He scared me. Whenever he raised his voice my breathing just got heavy, it felt like every time I took a breath in my lungs wouldn't get full. So I'd try again but it felt like it was just getting worse.

"Techno calm the fuck down!" Wilbur yelled.

"So you think it's okay for him to drink this shit?" He yelled at Wilbur and grabbed the bottle out of my hands making me flinch.

He did scare me. He started to remind me of my dad when he would hit me more, not that he doesn't now but he used to do it more.

"No! But you can't act like his fucking dad!" Wilbur argued.

I would do anything to get out of this situation. I could probably make myself pass out if I wanted to, and it would be pretty easy. I haven't had proper food in a while or water so I'd go down easy.

"I could turn into how his father is if I wanted! Should I?! I start hitting him when I feel like it?" Techno said and slammed my bottle on the counter.

"No," Wilbur said, he tried making his voice not yell, probably cause he could tell I didn't like this whole situation, I was shaking and having a hard time breathing.

"I will!" Techno yelled and put his hand up toward me like he was gonna hit me.

"Please don't hit me!" I said and put my hand to my face.

I genuinely thought he'd hit me, he had the look on his face my dad did when he would hit me.

Techno put his hand down and just looked at me.

Wilbur stood there looking at Techno. I knew that look. That's not a good look.

He jumped and threw himself at Techno making Techno fall to the ground.

I didn't wanna be here anymore. Wilbur was scary when he was mad and Techno is just scary all the time.

I run into the downstairs bathroom that's connected to the kitchen and lock the door.

I sit on the floor and try to collect my breathing.

It's not working. It feels like I'm getting choked. Then I start to panic.

I grab my phone and call Phil.

"Phil, Wilbur and Techno here and mad and they're fighting and and-" Phil cuts me off.

"There fighting at your house?!"


"I'm on my way."

"Please hurry," I bet Phil could barely understand what I was saying over my tears and attempts to breathe normally.

I hang up and wait until he gets here.

I don't like this feeling, It feels like the whole room is spinning and I'm on a boat in the middle of a storm. Rocking back and forth until it finally gives up and lets the ocean take over.

that's what happened to me because I woke up in my bed with arguing outside my door, it was Phil yelling at Techno and Wilbur.

Narrator POV. —•—•—•—•—•—•—

"Why did you think it was okay to get in a fight in front of Ranboo, the poor boy probably thought you guys were going to attack him," Phil said to Techno and Wilbur.

"Techno was about to attack Ranboo, He put his arm up to hit Ranboo," Wilbur said

"You kept on testing me, William," Techno said.

"Whoa real names, so scary. Honestly, you need to get your act up. You tell us that Ranboo's bad but all you do is start yelling then when your wrong you go home and cut yourself to prove how strong you are."

"Will!" Phil shouted but immediately lowered his voice. "You both need a break from each other, and Will you need to stop using Techno's thing as a way to prove your point."

"Why can't he prove how strong he is another way then? Instead of drawing his blood?"

"Go for a walk then come back." Phil pointed out.

Wilbur scoffed and walked downstairs and outside to go for a walk. When he gets mad it takes him a while to cool down and when he's mad he says stuff that doesn't need to be said.

"Tech I'm gonna need you to stop doing that to yourself, you see how bad it's gotten?" Phil talked softly. "You go any deeper your going to hit a vein and seriously hurt yourself, right now you could seriously hurt yourself. Your arms are veiny so I just wanna make sure you're not gonna."

"I can't promise."

"Tech, please," Phil says.

Techno looks down and shrugs.

"Your goal is to stop in six months, I give you six months."


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