45~-Dont Die This Time~-45

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I can't take this shit anymore.

It's all just too much.

My dad has gone back to hitting me like he used to and leaving me all bruised up.

Kids at school won't shut up about my arms, when I raised my hand my sleeve when down and the Chads of the school got a good glimpse. Now they won't shut up about it

I would be chilling in a free period and they'd come up to me.

"Hey Mark, how are you doing?" The main guy would say acting as he cared.

I would just look at them. Most of them were holding on to their girlfriends by their waist like she would run away if he didn't hold on tight enough. I didn't blame the girls, if I had to date one of the popular kids I'd run away when I had a chance.

"Any new cuts?" The guy said.

I just looked away from them. This was a daily thing, they'd ask me if I cut myself last night then walk away laughing.

I got used to it, it was a daily thing. Yet it hurt every time.

"Look!" He said and I turned my head back to them which was a mistake. Usually, they wouldn't do anything but call me names or ask me not needed questions.

They all rolled their sleeves up and took a red marker and drew horizontal lines on their wrists to make it look like they had cut themselves.

"Familiar?" A different dude said and started laughing.

That night I did about 20 cuts all getting deeper and deeper.

Another time at lunch I was sitting with Tommy and Tubbo when some of the popular kids come up to me.

If I was sitting by myself they come up to me, not when I am with other people.

"Can we have a wrist check? I think you should slit your wrists more."

I just put my head down, not because I was crying or anything... (I was)

"Come on, barcode." One of the guys said and grabbed my arm and started to pull my sleeve up, he did pull it up enough to see but Tubbo jumped up from his chair and punched the guy in the gut and the guy fell to the ground groaning.

Both of them got detention.

Wilbur or Phil weren't mad though. Wilbur gets into fights weekly so it wasn't that big but Tubbo is surprisingly really strong so that guy definitely was hurting.

That night I went as deep as my brain could let me, the bleeding didn't stop until a few hours after.

I've had enough of this shit.

Name-calling, getting fucking hit by my own dad and ever getting hit by the kids at school.

Once a week on a random day they would decide while I was walking home that they'd beat me up.

And these guys were strong. They all fucking play football.

Punch me in the face, my nose and mouth will drip with blood.

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now