42~- Family Therapy-~42

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Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo and Techno sat in Phil's living room with an awkward silence covering the room.

Phil put a chair for each person in a circle in the middle of the living room. The chairs were spread apart about an arm's length away in case Wilbur tried to throw punches.

"Are you gonna say something to each other? Each one of you deserves an apology." Phil says.

Techno should apologize to Ranboo for all the fucked up shit he's said to him. Ranboo needs to apologize for saying some interesting things to Wilbur while he was drunk. Wilbur needs to apologize to Techno for giving him a bruise on his face.

"Techno," Wilbur started. "I am so sorry I beat you up. It's not my fault though, you know how I love fights!" Wilbur said sarcastically and winked. "But to be fair, you did start talking shit about Ranboo when we left his house. That's why I beat your ass. And let's not forget, you did almost kill Ranboo. Two times."

"I didn't! He needs to get his fucking act together!" Techno yelled at Wilbur.

"Hey!" Phil screamed before Techno said something else. "This is supposed to be calm, each one of you needs a nice apology, some more than others...."

Techno just shrugged off what Phil said and started yelling again. "He's gonna turn into his fucking dad if we don't do shit!"

Ranboo got a little worried. Techno had anger issues and Wilbur just likes to fight. Ranboo slid his chair right next to Phil who rubbed his back to calm him down a bit from the yelling.

Yelling was common with Techno and Wilbur, arguing, having a good time, anything they do they yell. Good and bad.

"You say you try so fucking hard to help Ranboo but what has that accomplished? Huh? He hasn't gotten better, he's got worse! Did you not see his fucking arms?"

Ranboo looked at Phil as soon as his mental health was brought up. Ranboo looked at the door then back at Phil, Phil nodded. Ranboo didn't wanna be here for the yelling.

Before Ranboo left Phil made him turn his location on in case anything happened.

"He is getting better!" Wilbur said he didn't believe that though.

"Really? Why was he locked in a bathroom two days ago? Why was he in a puddle of his blood?!" Techno got a bit louder on his second sentence and stood up.

"Because..." Wilbur didn't exactly know what to say. He tried so fucking hard to help, he wanted to help. He wanted to be there. He started tearing up, all he did was try to help.

"Because you aren't helping him! You are making it worse. Look at his bathroom from a few days ago, pills, blood, drugs, and anything you wouldn't want to be in a 16-year-olds bathroom was in it! Again like I said, his arms! If he was better it wouldn't have been so deep, He almost hit a vein for fucks sake!"

"Let's see your arms then, Techno." Wilbur stood up and tears were running down his face but he looked like he just had a straight face.

Techno froze.

"Come on, you said you were better and I left you alone."

Fckd Up// Ranboo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now