Pt2 Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up the next morning on the couch with my legs entangled with Kira's. I drug myself up into a sitting position slowly, glancing over at the L-shaped portion of our couch that held a sleeping Lizzy curled into a ball with her back to me. I glanced back over at Kira's sleeping mass, recalling the last time we had tried to sleep on the same couch with each other. Oh, middle school days.

I quickly got to my feet, walking slowly to the end of the hallway and into my bedroom, grabbing the phone sitting on my bed that I had placed on charge the night before. The night before. All the events of the previous night flooded into my brain in one horrid rush: the song, the crying, One Direction, Louis. Louis. I quickly sent a requestful text message to him to hang out for the day, and once his reply of "of course, got the day off babee:)' came back, I grabbed a towel and headed into the shower.

Afterwards, I visited my closet for it's daily fashion tip, and decided today would be a pair of dark brown leggings, a skin tight hunter green, long-sleeve dress, and a pair of chocolate boots. After I was done getting dressed, I wistfully applied a small amount of make-up and ran a brush through my semi-wet hair before finding my way back into the kitchen where Charlie was rummaging around in the pantry.

"Good morning, I thought that was you in the shower." She said as she grabbed a box of Frosted Flakes and a bowl from the cabinet, before reaching back to finger a second. "You want some cereal?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. Louis is about to be here to pick me up." I said with a thankful smile.

"You sure, because I've got to warn you, I make a pretty mean dish of flakes and a dash of two percent." She laughed loudly before grabbing the gallon of milk.

"Oh, I'm used to it. That's all Louis' gourmet dishes consists of." I chuckled, through my body back in a hysterical outburst.

"He totally stole that recipe from me! Don't believe any of his lies of 'originality.'" Charlie air quoted with a spoon in her right hand and a mouthful of cereal in her cheek.

"I'm surprised Kira and Lizzy haven't woken up with all the noise we're making." I said after our laughter died down and Charlie continued crunching her cereal thoughtfully.

"They had a rough night last night, and Tess and Lucy had to go to work this morning I'm pretty sure." She said somberly.

"Yeah, they have the early shifts on Fridays since they took a few night classes." I replied just as my phone buzzed on the counter and  a new iMessage from Louis my Lover<3 appeared on my screen. "Well, he's here. I've got to go. Have fun with those two today." I said and jabbed my thumb in the direction of Kira and Lizzy.

"Oh, I'll try. We'll probably just end up watching The Notebook and The Lorax back-to-back, again." Charlie grumbled with a smile in the direction of my thumb jabbing. I waved and grabbed my large black Coach purse Louis had bought me for Christmas off our coatrack by the door and made my way to the parking lot.

It wasn't that difficult to spot Louis' black Porsche in the midst of the student automobiles. I drug my way over to his car, brushing my hands across my arms to shield myself from the chilly February air.

"Hey, baby." Louis said as I clambered into his car and pecked his small lips passionately and buckled my seatbelt. "You're freezing."

"I'm fine." I chattered as I cranked the heater up a few notches and turned the vents to face me. Louis put the car into drive and turned onto the main road before voicing a quick "where to?"

"The music store. I heard a song last night that I'm dying over! You have got to hear it!" I said in a hyper voice, trying to hide any suspicion from Louis. Not suspecting anything, he quickly pushed down the pedal and pulled the car into a parking spot alongside one of London's hundred music stores, arriving there well over the recommended speed limit.

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