Pt2 Chapter Thirteen

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"You want some tea, Kira?" I asked as I got up from my place on the gigantic couch in Kira's living room. She shook her head and crawled off the overgrown piece of furniture and onto her feet.

"I'll fix it. Lou? Jenna?" The couple nodded towards her and she made her way slowly to the kitchen and after the banging of cabinet doors was heard, Jenna turned toward me.

"Poo thing. I feel so bad for her." She sighed and laid her head on Louis' shoulder. "She still wears his necklace." She brought her voice down to a whisper.

"His necklace?" I raised my eyebrows at them, while Louis looked down a little surprised at Jenna.

"When we left, Harry gave Kira his paper airplane necklace." Louis explained quietly. "But I had no idea she would still be wearing it."

"Everyday." Jenna confirmed before turning back to me. "That was also the first time he told her he loved her."

I leaned back on the tail part of the "L" shaped couch across from Jenna and Louis and groaned loudly. "So, are we going to tell her, or what?"

"Tell me what?" Kira stood in the doorway, and I silently cursed. Here comes the fun.



I walked across the street and into the University's art department. The building not only held my art class, but also an auditorium for plays, as well as dozens of music and literature appreciation classes. You could say this was that building that housed all the weirdo's; the kids that were bullied for being a tad bit different.

Drumming my fingers together along with the beat that was produced from the drum line's room I had just passed, I turned the corner into the art room and immediately found my seat in the far table at the back. It wasn't that I was unsociable, but towards the front, Manny really liked to have conversations with his students, and I didn't like being put on the spot. So, I preferred to draw and doodle in the back, surrounded by other pieces of lost art.

I plugged in my headphones, setting the songs to shuffle, and skipping a few until I found one suitable for my mood: It's Time by Imagine Dragons. Four songs later, I was on to Neon Trees and left with mine and Liam's names, and two doodles of dragons, along with their own alphabet and the Batman logo.

A flush of brown curls caught in my peripheral view, and I turned to see Whisper talking furiously to her boyfriend, Caleb, before my table. I unhooked one earphone and raised my eyebrows, although they were both too involved with their conversation to see my questioning gaze.

"You ask her Caleb, please! I'm too frightened to, and besides, you were the one to discover it!" Whisper whined and pulled on a strand of aqua amongst her dark brown curls.

"Whisp, I really think this is more of a conversation you should have with her, you know, girl to girl." Caleb flecked his blonde hair away from his face.

"Caleb, please!" Whisper poked her bottom lip away from her top one and clasped her hands together under her chin as her bright blue eyes widened to resemble something of a puppy's.

"Fine, we'll ask her together." Caleb grumbled as I slipped the free headphone back into my ear, making it look as if I had never noticed the arguing couple.

"Hi, Lucy." Whisper smiled nervously as I paused my music completely and discarded the headphones to my lap.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I raised my eyebrows as Whisper picked at the peeling lime green paint on the top of a tan finger and Caleb sighed.

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