Pt1 Chapter Sixteen

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Liam's words hurt, a lot. I had no idea what he meant by Ethan didn't deserve me; I was lucky someone like Ethan even knew my name, much less wanted to take me out.

"What's all this?" I rolled over to see Kira sitting up in our bed, a trey of food in her lap.

"Harry decided we needed breakfast in bed, so..." She motioned to the food and I realized it was made for two. I grabbed a bite of waffle and sat up beside Kira.

"My God, this is amazing. You're boyfriend is almost as good as you." I laughed and she shrugged with a smile.

"What can I say." She turned on the TV and we watched the old cartoons that were on until our plates were clean and we decided to go to the pool.

The pool was the community pool in the little neighborhood the beach house was in, so it was a little walk away, and shared by a few more houses.

"I'll go tell everyone to get ready." I offered and Kira nodded as she went to change into her suit, informing me her mom and siblings were out of the day.

"Morning, guys." I smiled as I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry cooking, Louis joking around on the counter, and Niall eating.

"Morning, Lucy!" They all shouted. "Did you enjoy you breakfast?" Harry beamed.

"I loved it, thanks Harry." I gave him a quick hug.

"I helped too!" Louis whined like a three year old.

"Of course you did, thanks Lou." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, told them to get ready to go to the pool, and went to Lizzy, Tess, and Jenna's room.

"Good morning, gorgeous!" Lizzy called from the middle of the bed. Tess waved from the giant armchair by the window, which was currently covered by a current, and Jenna blew a kiss in my direction from her position at the foot of the bed.

"Hey, what are you guys watching?" I glanced over at the TV and was shocked to see Niall and Harry's faces.

"A Year in the Making. It came on Nick, and we've never seen it, so we thought we better watch out boyfriends' movie and all." Jenna explained.

"Well, we're gonna all go to the pool in five."

"We shall meet you down there when this is over!" Lizzy grinned, eyes still glued to the movie.

I slowly walked out of the room and down the hallway, taking deep breaths as I went. This was the room I was dreading: Liam and Zayn's. I stopped outside the door, hand in mid-reach towards the door's handle, trying to prepare myself. Calm down, Lucy, you'll only have to talk to Zayn.

Of course not. Of course, the same time I would come to talk to Zayn, the shower would be running, and Liam would be laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, shirtless.

He immediantly snapped his head up in my direction. His eyes were extremely red, and his hair was messy, like he hadn't gotten out of bed yet, but he didn't have any sleep.

"Hey, um...I was just gonna let you know we were headed to the pool." I shuffled my feet, and was about to leave when Liam spoke, his deep accent more raspy than usual.

"Is you best lad going to be there?" His words were harsh, and I had to physically flinch away.

"What do you have against Ethan?" I asked quietly. "What has he ever done to you? And why are we even discussing this?" I wanted my voice to rise, but I knew it only grew weaker.

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