Pt1 Chapter Eleven

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"Kira...wake up, love." I heard someone whisper and a trail of kisses were placed from my neck to my jaw and finally, my lips. I mumbled something into my pillow and turned away from Harry. He just as quickly switched sides and kissed me more.

It was three days after Harry and I had confessed our feelings for each other in Vegas, and officially became a couple, and we were now in L.A. on a day off.

"Good morning." Harry said as I sat up and stretched.

"Morning." He leaned in and kissed me passionately. "Where's Lizzy and Jenna?" I asked, looking around for my roommates.

"They're having a breakfast date with Louis and Niall." Harry said against my neck.

"And the others?" I asked a little suggestively.

"Out." He whispered and pulled me closer to him.

"Good," I winked. "Because I need a shower. So leave." I grinned, completely killing the moment and leaving Harry on the bed, dumbfounded.

"Oh no, you can not do that to me." Harry growled playfully, grabbing my waist and throwing me against the wall, slamming his lips into mine. I tangled my fingers in his brown curls as Harry kissed me roughly, but passionately.

"Harry...stop." I groaned as he kissed around my neck. Thankfully, there was a knock at the door, and with one more kiss to the lips, I went to open it.

"Kira!" My name was shouted loudly as I was grabbed into a hug of stripes.

"Louis, what is it?" I asked between chuckles. Louis acted as if he hadn't seen me in years, when really it had only been about ten hours.

"Want to go to the gym with me?" He asked hopefully and I nodded happily, running to the bathroom to throw on a pair of shorts and put my hair in a ponytail.

"I'm glad I got invited." Harry faked a pout as I walked out the door.

"Aw, sorry, Harry! It's just me and your girlfriend." Louis laughed and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Do you have any idea what you just said?" Harry laughed and followed us down to the lobby. He met up with Liam, Zayn, and Lucy at the pool while Louis led me outside into the crown of camped out fans.

"Wanna make their day?" Louis asked with a grin as the fans noticed us and started screaming. I nodded and smiled, following Louis down the line.

"How is everyone today? Me and Kira are headed off to the gym to work out our amazing muscles." Louis struck a pose that showed off his biceps while the fans went crazy. Louis walked over and began signing autographs and taking pictures while I stood behind him awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh, Kira! Can we have you autograph?" A group of three, what looked to be, fourteen-year-olds ran up to me and held up different journals and pieces of paper.

I was in complete shock. No fan had ever asked for my autograph; I didn't even know I had fans myself. Of course I had been to signings with the boys, and I knew Lizzy had signed quite a few autographs with her and Niall going out. But I never dreamed I would get to sign an autograph.

"Sure." I smiled and began to sign my name in the most autograph-y way I could manage.

"Is it true you're dating Harry?" One of the fans asked.

I bit my lip and felt my cheeks turn pink. "Yes."

"Aw, that's so sweet!"

"You two are adorable together!"

Loving and Losing- A One Direction Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now