Pt2 Chapter Two

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"So, we ready?" I asked nervously. We were stood at the front entrance of Uni, hand-in-hand like some sappy teenage movie. Our first day of classes was here, and, surprisingly, none of our classes were together.

"Oh my God, oh my God, I can't do this! What if I get lost, or people make fun of me, or-" Jenna freaked. She had been like that since she woke up.

"Dude, just chill. You'll be fine. We all will." Lucy replied.

"I swear to God, Lucy, you're the first stoner I've ever met who doesn't smoke weed." Tess exclaimed as we began walking to the courtyard where we would say goodbye for four hours.

"How so?" Lucy asked.

"Because you're all like 'peace and rainbows, man.'" Tess copied Lucy's mellow tone in an exaggerated way, which made Lucy narrow her eyes.

"And this is where we say adios." Lizzy said as we stopped in the middle of the courtyard, about to part five different ways. We all gave each other bug hugs, and a stream of good lucks and I love yous, and soon, I was heading through the main hall by myself.

I reached my Algebra class and quickly found the only empty seat beside a plain, blonde haired girl. I got out my Algebra books and sat back to wait for my professor.

"Hi." I looked over to the blonde who had a big smile on her face.

"" I said back awkwardly. This girl was just a little too much of the peppy cheerleader type for me.

"Oh my gosh! You're American? That is so cool!" She bubbled and then stuck out her hand. "I'm Caggie Dunlop."

"Kira...Wakley." I took her hand and she gave it a big shake.

"Nice to met you. So, is this-" She started but her cell phone vibrating on the table cut her off.

"Hello?...hey...yeah tonight's fine...alright see you then." Caggie hung up the phone and then turned back to me. "Sorry, that was my boyfriend." She said a little sheepishly.

Caggie talked to me for little while longer about things I honestly had no idea about, and really couldn't care less about, until, thank God, our professor stopped her incessant talking. Unfortunately, Caggie was in my next class, Government, and talked my ear off the whole time. 

By the end of the day, I was exhausted, and just ready to escape Caggie's high pitched chatter about clothes, shoes, and nails, and find my friends.


My first class, Government, went by too slow. I had always hated Government, and British Government was even worse. But my second class was Animal Science, and as soon as Gov. was over, I was heading off full sprint to my next class.

After an interesting lecture in Animal Science, I headed back to the courtyard, where we had agreed to meet up for lunch. I plopped down on a bench and sipped a bottle of Root Beer.

"Hey, you look really familiar!" I glanced up, startled, at two girls with dyed brown hair and chunky, obnoxious rainbow jewelry.

"Um...okay?" I said, not caring in the least bit about what I looked like. I honestly just wanted these girl to go away.

"Wait, I know who you are! You're Niall Horan's girlfriend, right?" I tried to reply, but her friend cut me off.

"No, he broke up with you, right?" She asked, and I could hear the sneer in her voice.

"Well, actually-"

"Lizzy!" I looked up to see Kira coming down the steps and breathed a sigh of relief. Kira pushed past the two girls and grabbed my hand, leading me away.

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