Pt2 Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up on the first day of March with a pain in my stomach and a pounding in my head. I rolled over in my bed, groaning loudly and patting around the sheets for my phone. After checking the time, and blinking from the unfamiliar amount of light that shone into my pupils, I reached for my giraffe pillow pet and threw it in the general direction of Kira's head across the room. After hearing her moan and roll around in her bed, I drug myself away from the warmth of my covers and walked slowly over to my closet.

I decided to put on a pair of dark wash jeans, a long sleeve white shirt, and a grey fur covered vest that my aunt had given to me as a Christmas present a few years back. There had been much debate whether it resembled more of a squirrel or Chewbacca. Once the vest was zipped, I found the bathroom light switch and brushed me teeth, ran a brush through my dirty blonde hair, and applied a small amount of eye shadow and mascara.

Tess, Jenna, and Lucy had beaten me into to kitchen already, where they were bumbling around to fix themselves cups of coffee and bowls of cereal in assorted sweaters and jackets. I found my way to our medicine cabinet, and after downing a few Midol and half a bottle of water, I poured myself some Fruity Pebbles and sat back to eat at the bar.

Kira was the last one to make her way into the kitchen, wearing skinny jeans and her Toms with a grey and purple tank-cover set. She made a bee line for the coffee pot, and after draining it of its last cup and adding creamer to the mug, her tired eyes let up once the caffeine hit her brain.

"So, how did everyone sleep?" Lucy asked, always the morning person. I few mumbles of alright and fine came from the night owls, being Kira, Tess, and Jenna, while I bubbled a happy "great!"

We slowly watched the clock on the stove count down to eight thirty, and then grabbed our bags and coats and headed out of our building and towards the sidewalks. The chilly March air snapped at our exposed hands and cheeks, but we good easily see a difference in the weather: it would be getting warm soon.

"I absolutely love this." Kira said happily, turning her face towards the heavily clouded sun. Kira, who swore she had some abnormal defect that caused her to be so extremely weird, loved the cold, and cloudy, rainy weather. The night was her favorite time, which she sais was because it was so full of mystery; who knew what all went bump in the night.

"I don't see how, Kira. I can not wait for some sun, if that could ever happen in London. It's always so cloudy and gross over here." Jenna replied bitterly, turning from her lead in the group to glance over at Kira's glare.

"Well, that's why I love London so much, the weather is perfect. It's always raining. It's so amazing." Kira said. Jenna was about to turn to reply, but Kira decided on turning to Lucy and asking about her new art project for an assignment at school, and the weather of London subject was dropped.

We eventually made it to Uni, splitting up into three different groups, before it would soon turn into five. I walked away from the courtyard type quad towards the history hallway. I landed at my government classroom, finding a secluded seat in the back of the classroom and planted myself haughtily on my butt.

My professor immediately began class once he walked in, droning on and on about laws and such, most of wish I remembered from ninth grade government. I reached into my large tote plastered with a union jack that I used for school and found my phone, going quickly to the Twitter app. After finding a nice clump of hate, however, I closed the app and began playing the games on my phone.

After the high scores were one and my games were dubbed boring, I resorted to just scrolling through my photo album. I passed over horrible pictures of the girls and me, some in our pajamas making duck faces, and others in various places and cabs all over London. There were even a few really good line-ups of us at Tess' birthday party.

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