Pt2 Chapter Twenty

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Just a few weeks after Storm was dropped off at our apartment, I decided he needed a walk in the park. I called Lucy, wondering if Scout, who had become Storm's closest friend, wanted to come with us.

"Sorry, hon. Mom and dad are having a date day. Which means, Liam and I are doing nothing and that means absolutely nothing, with no one. Maybe not even each other." I could hear the laughter in her voice, and a smiled back at the phone.

"No, that's perfectly alright," I said, understanding. I knew work in the studio and school had been so rough on the both of them. With a new album coming out and school ending, I was surprised Lucy actually answered the phone in the first place. "I know how busy it's all been. I'll catch up with you later."

I hung up with Lucy and ventured down the rest of my contacts. Charlie was working. Jenna and Louis were shopping all day, go figure. Niall and Lucy took a last minute weekend trip to Ireland before their tour started, since he got news of his uncle being sick. And Tess was having a much needed catch up session with Zayn, especially after telling him, and us, the big news.

"Looks like it's just you and me, boy." I looked down at Storm, who was staring up at me gleefully, probably expecting me to throw a treat down his way. "Oh no, no more of those. You're putting on too much weight as it is. The vet said it's not healthy."

I laughed as my little puppy cocked his head to the side, ears pricking up as if he understood everything I'd just said to him. I laughed again, fixing his bright green leash onto the metal ring of his collar, that was also newly attached to the plastic heart. I just couldn't bring myself to take the dreadful thing off.

I tugged Storm's leash slighting, allowing him to trail after my flats as we made our we into the elevator and down to the ground floor. After existing our building, Storm and I bobbed along the bustling sidewalk, him sniffling anything on our way and I trying to hurry us along to the park a few blocks away.

When we finally arrived, the park was alive as ever. Everywhere I looked I saw people walking their dogs, sitting on blankets, having picnics. I glanced down at my awaiting puppy, settled onto his bottom at my feet.

"You sure you're ready for this?" I asked him. As if in reply, he bounded up and towards the park, his thin sliver of a tail wagging behind him.

I followed closely, keeping an eye out for the bigger dogs who barked as we past. After so many children ran up to pet Storm, I finally found a bench where I could prop up and read. I placed Storm on my lap, where he immediately curled up to take a quick power nap from all the excitement.

 Yes, you can change overnight. In second, and no, you never forget your first zombie. Mine wore a USPS  uniform. He killed Malachi. No, I killed-

I was on the edge on my seat when a rain drop splattered down onto the page of my book, quickly spreading through the whole paragraph. I quickly dropped it into my bag, where it was swallowed whole and nestled safely inside. Another rain drop fell, and then another, enough to awaken Storm. He sat on my lap, staring up at me as his tongue lolled out: the landing place of another rain drop. He made a face, pulling his tongue back as I laughed.

And that's when the sky opened up. Rain poured everywhere. Every single inhabitant of the park rushed into cars and drove away to the safety of their homes. Either that, or dashed into the nearest shop to wait out the storm. I, on the other hand, stayed perfectly still, titling my head up to have a better feel as the raindrops slowly pattered onto my skin. This was bliss.

Storm ran around in the downpour, barking at raindrops as the plummeted around him. I unleashed him, breaking park rules but not caring since we were the only ones out here. I stood up from my bench, spreading my arms and tilting my face towards the beautiful leakage of water. I swirled around, mindless of who could be watching, feeling my skirt swim up and around in a circle as I swirled and swayed in the rain, arms spread open.

"Kira?!" I heard a shout behind me. I knew who it was, I'd never not know that voice, but I kept swaying. I hoped he'd just turn and walk away. "What are you doing?"

"I'm dancing, Harry!" I yelled over the sudden clap of thunder that shook the earth. I smiled as a crash of lightening answered its lover, just a few moments to late of them being together at once.

"You're going to get electrocuted or something. Come on, I'll take you home." Harry strode closer, and at once I stopped, glancing at his now semi-soaked curls and brilliant green eyes.

No matter what Harry could say, I wouldn't stop. I laughed, loudly and freely. I kept spinning, faster and faster until my foot slipped on the soaking grass, and I was tumbling down towards the earth, careening at an ungodly pace. Harry quickly ran over, trying to pull me up but I snatched my hand away, feeling a despair of blackness fill me up. And then the tears rushed out, mixing with the rain.

"Why did you leave, Harry?!" I screamed in his face, making him recoil in shock. I tried to back away from him, but was only met with the soft pelt of Storm, sensing my distress. "I needed you! I loved you so freaking much! You were my everything! And you just left me! I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do with my life anymore!"

My throat was raw from screaming, but all Harry could do was just sit there and stare, taking in every word. And then, finally, he spoke. "I...I just couldn't bare to make you unhappy anymore, Kira. I loved you too much for you to have to be crushed by me."

"You bastard! I fucking loved you! How dare you say you left me so I wouldn't be unhappy! I loved you more than anything. I thought what we had was real to you!"

"Kira, it was all real! It was so real, it hurt." Harry tried to reason but I couldn't let him finish any of his thoughts.

"I needed you so much!" I was still screaming, although the rain had quieted, making my voice boom even more. "I still need you! And all you can do is fuck the girl that sits next to me in Algebra!"

And then, suddenly, Harry was right in my face. He was so close, the only view I had was of his brilliant green eyes. "I never stopper loving you. I still do." Harry rushed to grab my cheeks, and I rushed to let him, until a small bark from his feet caught my attention.

Circling Storm was a black puppy, exactly the same height. The little lab's ears rolled forward and pricked up as he and Storm chased each other. And there, settled on his collar, was a purple plastic heart with an 'VE' attached to it.

"It... it was you..." I trailed off, looking back up into Harry's eyes. He just smiled, pulling my cheeks closer and pressing our lips together. I smiled into our kiss, the kiss that was making everything right, and I felt Harry do the same. This was it. This was us.

"Dance with me." I said, tugging his hand into mine and pulling him closer and to our feet. Storm barked, as if on cue, and Harry glanced around my shoulder to stare at the damp puppy. Smiling at the two, he pulled me close and spun me around.

Keeping one hand on the of my back, and the other intertwined firmly in mine, Harry spun and dipped me skillfully. I laughed, throwing my head back at the pleasure this whole experience was giving me, feeling a new light brighten inside my chest.

And finally, after minutes of dancing and playing, laughing and barking, Harry and I, puppies in tow headed toward his car parked shortly away. We placed the two dogs in the back before Harry helped me into the passenger seat and then drove us away.

"That's Cole, by the way." He smiled and pointed towards the black lab that was sleeping curled into my husky. "He's been waiting for his brother to come back for a while now."

I smiled and took Harry's hand, watching as it enveloped mine. He brought each knuckle up to his lips, kissing them tenderly. I watched the rain drip from his hair onto his face, and reached over, brushing each droplet away with my thumb.

At the next red light, he pulled my face in and kissed me hard, not caring that once the light was green, horns from behind us filled the air. Harry just laughed, continuing with our drive towards his house.

"I love you, Kira. I always have and I always will. I hope you know that." Harry said, looking over at me seriously.

"Of course I do, Harry. I love you, too. Forever and always."

And hopefully, it will be forever and always. As we drove towards his house, I could only hope. Because I knew Harry was the only person I needed in life, and he was all that mattered. Yet only time would tell.

Loving and Losing- A One Direction Fan FicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt