Pt1 Chapter Eight

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Hi! So, this chapter is dedicated to that awesome voter up at the top because they were the first to vote! You are awesome! Thank you! And enjoy:) Photo on the side is of Jenna!


"Tess, I can't just wake them up!" I whisper-yelled to my ginger-headed best friend as we stood at the foot of Jenna's bed, looking down on Hollywood's newest couple curled up together. They were too flipping adorable!

"Then get I'll text Harry and get him to do it!" She whispered back, reaching a hand in her back pocket to text him.

"No! He'll dump water on them, or some other horrible thing. They were up until three last night screaming at each other." I said, which was completely true. Tess had decided to just sleep with Lucy after Louis kicked us out of her and Jenna's room.

"Yeah, and I wonder what else they got up to." Tess smirked and motioned to what was obviously Louis' pile of clothes on the floor.

"Oh, please, Jeann's still in her clothes. Usually after, you know, people don't put their clothes back on." I replied matter-of-factly. Tess gave me a "good point" look as someone stirred from beneath the covers.

"Oh, God, no. Go the hell away." Jenna mumbles and epically failed at throwing her bumblebee Pillow Pet that I had gotten her for her birthday that past January at us. Tess picked it up and slammed it down on both of their heads, causing Louis to yelp and jump out of the bed quickly.

"NIALL DID IT!" He screamed and then realized what had just happened.

"I did not." An Irsh voice called from the doorway as he and Lizzy appeared.

"Oh, yeah, party in Jenna's room." Lizzy fist pumped.

"Aw, yeah, party, yeah!" Tess high fived me as she mocked Pauly D.

"Everybody get out so I can get dressed!" Jenna screamed and pushed everyone, including a still-in-boxers Louis, out the door. Louis made a mad dash for his and Harry's room.

"Thirty minutes and then we're leaving! Hurry your ass up!" I called and raced Lizzy to the elevators. My phone made a little ding sound, indicating an oncoming tweet.

@the_ginger: And this is what me and @Kir_Wake walked in on this morning.

I laughed and showed the picture of Jenna and Louis to Lizzy, who gushed all over it and then ran off to find her boyfriend. I skipped down to the lobby where a long buffet was set up beside tables full of eating guest. I grabbed a plate and placed a scoop of cheese eggs, a few slices of fruit, and a piece of bacon. I scanned the tables for an empty one, but instead found a lone Zayn eating in a corner.

"Vas happening?" He said with a mouthful of eggs as I sat down in the seat across from him.

"Sup Zayn?" I nodded upward and grinned.

"What was up with Eleanor this morning? She stormed out of here with all her bags. She looked pissed." Zayn asked and I glanced up from my plate, wide-eyed.

"Zayn, you don't know?" I asked incrediously, but then remembered the boys went straight to sleep the night before when we got back to the hotel.

Zayn shook his head, looking pretty confused. I grabbed my phone and got on Twitter, pulling up the tweet and picture Tess had sen me earlier. He widened his eyes and almost choked on the bite of eggs in his mouth.

"When the hell did that happen/" Zayn asked after a coughing fit and I proceeded to tell him everything that happened the night before, or everything I knew. Only Jenna and Louis knew everything that happened.

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