Pt2 Chapter One

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"I would like to say just a few words before we start this party." I looked up at my mom as she stood up in front of the large crowd gathered at Jenna's house for our graduation party.

"I've watched these five girls grow so much, just over the past couple years even. I know that the friendship they have is something special, and no matter what part of the world they are in, they'll look after each other.

"At first, I was completely against Kira moving to London, it's a completely different country for goodness sakes. But after I watched her work herself to death, research for hours for a place to live, I knew I had to let her go. Especially when, much to everyone's delight, her four best friends worked as hard as her and they were accepted into the University of London.

"I just want you girls to know I'm so very proud of you five. This is the happiest, and saddest moment in my life. But I know you'll be okay, and you'll make good decisions. Now, enough sobbing. Enjoy, everyone. Let's make one of the girls' last memories in the U.S. memorable!"

We toasted, all our parents cried, and by the end of the party my feet hurt so bad from the heels I was trying to walk in. I climbed into the front seat of my mom's Jeep at two in the morning, after the last guest was said goodbye to and the backyard of Jenna's three story grey house was cleaned. 

I drug myself into my room stripped down to nothing but my bra, underwear, and the paper airplane necklace I hadn't taken off in a year.

It had been almost a year since I'd seen Harry Styles in person. We'd FaceTimed a few times after he left, but soon that, the calls, the text, they all stopped. I hadn't spoken to him in six months. For the first two, I was extremely depressed, but I realized I would be okay, and I quickly got over him.

My other friends' relationships fell out in a similar fashion. Niall and Lizzy mutually and officially broke it off for a while, even though she wore his necklace every single day. Jenna and Louis went out the same way Harry and I did, however it took her a bit longer to move on. She even tried to date a few guys after that, but it all failed.

Lucy and Tess were completely different stories. Tess still secretly thought about Zayn every single day, and longed for him again. Lucy and Liam, however, had talked every single day for three months, until one day it all stopped. Eventually, her calls and text stopped, too. She told me if he didn't want her, she wasn't going to kill herself trying to change his mind.

At Christmas, we got the biggest surprise ever: all five of us had been excepted into the University of London. Jenna was going to be an actress, Tess was going for paralegal work, Lucy was going to art school, Lizzy was going to be a zoologist, and I was completely undecided.

And as we had told everyone, we were not moving to London for One Direction. We weren't going to try to reconnect with them in any way, they wouldn't even know we were living there. It was a complete coincidence they lived in the city we had always dreamed of moving to.


"Last box!" I screamed. I was echoed a few minutes later by Lizzy, who I was rooming with, and Tess. I threw my last box into the pile of last boxes by the door waiting to be taken to the dumpster.

Our flat was a tiny three bedroom/three bathroom place that was already furnished, and in the ideal complex for the Uni students. It was perfect walking distance from everywhere, and even though it was a little old and run down, it already felt like home.

"Home at last." Lizzy plopped down on the giant, grey L-shaped sofa in our living room beside me. "The Thing", as Jenna nicknamed it, could probably sit twelve people comfortably, and was flanked by a lone leather armchair, and a matching coffee and side table set.

Our flat only had one hallway leading away from the living room and kitchen: the bedrooms. Lizzy and I paired up and got one of the bigger rooms while Tess and Lucy got the other, and Jenna got the last, which could have almost passed for a closet if it wasn't for the single, tiny bathroom connected to it.

The walls of mine and Lizzy's room was a plain cream, but we decorated it with posters, pictures, and swimming medals and ribbons. We also decorated my bed in a lime green bedspread, and her's in a hot pink one.

"So, how are we going to be celebrating officially moving in?" I asked as everyone else piled onto "The Thing."

"Well, we are old enough to drink here." Tess pointed out non-chalantly and we all smiled sheepishly at one another. It was true, but it still felt like we were breaking some kind of law.

"Let's just get take-out and watch a movie. I  feel like a hangover wouldn't do me much good." Jenna said and we all agreed.

We had been exploring our new home for almost a month now, and we knew where all the good places to eat, shop, and party were located exactly.

'What movie?" I asked as I knelt in front of the white cabinet that held our TV, DVD player, Wii, and movies.

"Toy Story." Lucy said.

"I'm down with that." Lizzy agreed, and I put it in. Our take-out came about fifteen minutes later, and we sat down to enjoy the last week of our summer before classes started.

Yay! Part Two is up! I'm sorry it's so short, and kinda sucks but it's just a filler:)

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