Pt1 Chapter Fifteen

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"Kira! Scoot over!" I tried to push my best friend over in the double bed we were sleeping on. She mumbled something incoherent and after a few minutes I decided to just get  up.

I grabbed a diet Coke out of the fridge, a bag of animal crackers from the pantry, my sketchbook and a pencil, and left for the beach.

Today was our first official day at Kira's family's beach house. We had arrived in a chattering, overly pumped crowd the night before, and after the grueling unpacking and a quick walk on the beach after sunset, we had all ventured to our rooms and fallen asleep quickly.

I sat on a blue wooden beach chair and began doodling. I never really drew anything, just random pictures and words that ran through my head. I got lost in my doodles and animal crackers, however, and after most of the bag was gone, I realized I had been down there for a good hour and a half. I knew everyone was probably up, except maybe Kira and Harry, and I began to pack my stuff up before anyone started to wonder where I was.

"Lucy? Lucy Bateman?" Oh, no. Paparazzi. They had found us. I didn't want to turn around, didn't want to confirm that it was me. I wasn't even famous; there was no point in taking my picture or asking me a question. I wouldn't give any of the boys' secrets away; don't bother me.

I turned around, with the biggest fake grin plastered across my face, but it wasn't the paps at all, and my grin drooped into a real smile.

"Ethan Joiner! What are you doing here?" I was shocked my tenth grade crush even knew my name, but there he stood, right in front of me. His sandy blonde hair was shaggier, hanging way into his eyes and since he was the star football and baseball player, his body was perfectly sculpted without a shirt on. Not that I noticed, or anything.

"My parents own a beach house down here. What about you?" He swooshed a few thick, damp strands from his forehead and gave me an attractive smile.

"I'm down here with a group of friends at Kira's family's beach house. You remember Kira, right?"

"Of course, she's that swimmer with the brown hair, right?" I narrowed my eyes thoughtfully. As far as I could remember, there was a lot of swimmers with brown hair, but I only nodded at Ethan.

We talked for a little while longer, about how are summer had been, although I didn't mention the boys or the tour once. He had been practicing for the upcoming football season al summer, and was only taking short break at his family's beach house before school, and supposedly harder practices started.

"So, listen Lucy, since my family is going to be down here for a little while longer, I would love to hang out with you. Maybe we could have dinner tonight?" My head snapped up and my mouth almost flew open.

"Y...yeah, I' to." I stuttered out and he smiled as we exchanged phone numbers.

"See you at seven, Lucy." He called over his shoulder as he continued his morning run. I just waved at his back, although I knew he couldn't see.

I grabbed all my things and quickly ran through the sand and into the beach house, slamming the back door behind me. I tried to catch my breath as I walked into the living room where Zayn had Tess' head in his lap, playing with her hair, and Liam was in an armchair.

"What's up with you?" Tess only rolled her head in my direction.

"I've...I've got a date tonight." I said excitedly.

"I'm gonna be so straight tonight!" Kira sang the next line to Sidney Sampson's Riverside as she came into the room, still in her pajamas and her hair sticking in a hundred different directions.

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